Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Rev App

With all of my thoughts banging in my head from an idea for a lesson at school, a new twist for my unfinished novel, or a funny idea for a blog post, it would be great to have a secretary hanging around. I could just say, "Jot down this idea," and then I'd never have to worry about my thoughts flying out the window like usual. Guess what? The time for help with memory is here at

Technology reaches Rev. It's an app that records voice commands and then sends your thoughts back to you via email. What could be a better way to pull thoughts together with just a click of a button? 

Some might say, just get Siri. I would, but Siri comes with a high priced phone, and mine is fine––Thank you very much. Plus, I've read that Rev does what Siri won't do at a price of a dollar per transcribed minute. That's right. Rev will transcribe your words and mail them back to you in an email. This would be great for when you're driving and can't stop to grab a pen and paper or the dream that you wake up from and just know it's a scene in a novel waiting to happen. However, I'm not too coherent in the morning when it comes to sitting up and writing. Being a visual kind of gal, it would be great to have my thoughts written out for me because losing ideas means loss of money and/or opportunity. I'm always meaning to do something that just doesn't happen, but Rev could save the day.

Also, if you visit, you will find some high profile shout outs for various businesses, such as Yahoo, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. They all had positive words for this new app.

Here is what Rev has to say about themselves on their webpage,

" is a new breed of service provider. Like traditional vendors, we rely on a network of hand-picked freelancers. Unlike traditional vendors, we use technology to offer unbeatable quality, speed, and value. 

Rev’s proprietary technology platform is built to create a great work environment for translators and transcriptionists, so we can deliver clients ever increasing speed and quality. 

Rev's mission is to give more people the freedom to work from home. We are bringing the best of the office to our online workplace. We believe that attracting the best workers is the key to delivering great service to our customers."

Also, if you visit, you can read reviews about Rev from big name companies like Yahoo, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. They all support this newest advancement in phone apps. So stop on by and see what you've been missing.


  1. Sounds like it does the trick, rather well too. Use dragon at my zoo

  2. The Rev app sounds pretty good - much better than SIRI (she gets on my last nerve!).

  3. I need this. I have an iPhone, but I don't have Siri because it's an older version. I am always emailing myself stuff so that I remember later.

  4. i had no idea these apps were available. Surprised my son didn't develop them!! :) its all so mind boggling!!!! Thanks for this update and i concur about the creative thought secretary!!! (jot down) You are amazing

  5. Even Dragon doesn't do that. I usually end losing whatever I think out loud.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  6. That is a cool app. I hear people grouching about Siri, but I didn't even know what it was until I visited here today, now I have an idea. :)

  7. Love the interesting apps they come up with. But me? I'm a mumbler and I get a bit, ah, testy when the results don't match my intentions.

  8. oh this sounds really cool. I always have writing ideas that pop in my head and then I have no pen/paper....and 10 minutes later it is gone. I do just use my voice recorder on my phone sometimes, but if it is a lengthy recording, I have write, pause, start, write, pause.... having it sent via email means I can just copy and paste. very cool.

  9. Sounds like a totally (futuristic!) neat app. Unfortunately, I don't think it'll work with my landline phone... (Yep~ no cell phone here.)

  10. Looks like a nice and useful app.


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