Thursday, August 28, 2014


I looked up while grinding watermelon rind and saw a strange man in my kitchen. Oh, yeah, I'm married! Do you ever go through times when you get so busy that you barely see your spouse? Me neither. But he's been working late. I didn't even see him one night or the next morning. I even wondered if he came home, but I saw a few tell tale signs, like the dogs not jumping on me to eat.

Later, Mitchell told me I spoke to him when he got in. I don't remember. One of these days, he's going to quit practicing law and do it right. That means, not having to work such long hours. Don't worry. He's not having an affair. After twenty-eight years of marriage, he knows if he did, I'd just hop in bed between him and his mistress. After one night of my snoring, she'd dump him.

Then again, I stayed at school until almost seven on Tuesday night; however, part of my delay was due to the gym teacher starting a kick boxing class. He wanted me to kick him in the knee, but I couldn't do it. I might miss the knee and keep this young man from becoming a father. 

I worked out with the thirty-somethings and the twenty-nine-year-old, and the used to be kid who jumped rope with my kids before she grew up to be a teacher. I should have warned her. I'm in trouble when it's time to spar these young adults. At least I'm there. Who knows, the Taekwondo red belt from my youth might come in handy. If nothing else, I can still do a loud k'ihap.


  1. Yep, being there oftentimes counts a LOT! Sorry to hear you're not getting a lot of visit time with your husband. It'll (time) roll back around. :)

  2. I think I'll wear a cup if near you lol hopefully the long hours will cease

  3. My hubby is a shift worker, so we are often very much on opposite schedules. I'm waking up, he's going to bed. I'm going to bed, he's going to work. It's very hard on the family life for sure.

    sometimes the only contact we have is when I have to kick him in the shin those rare times we are both in bed at the same time... and the snoring begins.
    I don't know how we made 3 children. I mean, I KNOW... but

  4. You missed out there Joyce by giving the gym teacher a good kick it would have got rid of the frustration of not seing your hubby enough ...see I'm a genius.

    Have a grindingtastic week :-)

  5. Love it!

    Hey, what kind of spam filter do you use, since you hate the captcha? I can't keep up with all the spam I'm getting without something.

    Better on a Budget

  6. Love your humor! My hubby works nights and sometimes is on the road, so we have times without seeing one another and when he IS home, we also go without seeing one another. Keeps the marriage happy.

  7. Love the line about your snoring making her dump him!

    Hope you two get more time together soon.

  8. Mine and the hubby's work schedules are never in sync.

  9. That mental picture of you, snoring away, between hubby and the mistress, is just hilarious! ☺ I hope you and he get some mutual down time, soon.

  10. Great sense of humor, hold down the k'ihaps, and get a cuddle in there. Thanks for sharing your story!!!
    Hope you can have sometime together soon!!

  11. I hope that you finally got that kick right :-)

  12. LOL - sorry Mitchell works so much though.

  13. I got a kick out of this...
    If I might ask, what does one do with ground up watermelon rind?

  14. Put it down the garbage disposal. I was grinding it in the sink.


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