Sunday, September 14, 2014

#MM Dogs Play Bluegrass

I was going to skip Music on Monday this week after just getting back from a conference and being tired, but after seeing this jewel, I couldn't resist. Hysterical!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava’s Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


  1. Ha! Glad you didn't skip it, that's cute. :)

  2. Haha! that was brilliant cute too, I wonder if they do requests LOL

    Well this deserves a loud


  3. Ha that was brilliant had me smiling the whole time.

  4. Haha I"m glad you didn't skip either!
    Thanks for rocking this gem with us!

    Happy Monday!

  5. How cute was that, hahahahaha!! Loved it!

  6. Oh I'm SO glad you didn't skip this week because that was HYSTERICAL!! Wonder how they got the dogs to sit still for that? The one on the left looked like he was about ready to fall asleep! LOL! Too funny! Thanks for sharing!

  7. that is the best thing I have seen all day. so awesome. I love how the dogs just sit there - so funny.

  8. Those dogs need to get a record deal!

  9. My cousin shared this on Facebook last week. What great fun! Glad you decided to join the 4M crew on the dance floor with your zany kind of fun!

  10. Bwahahahha Totally a gas gas gas!!! LOL Where on earth did you find this one... I always love this song only because of the pure talent. Thanks for sharing and see you next time.! You Rock!

  11. OMG!!! that was hilarious!! I love it!! Best MM ever!!


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