Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Week So Far

It's Thursday night, which means time to post on Catch My Words. I could post about my week. First off, in our city, a large gang of teenagers brutally attacked
Kroger employees for entertainment. These sickos laughed and smiled while kicking the foo out of defenseless strangers. Maybe my soap box about lousy parenting would be appropriate, but even good parents sometimes find problems with their kids. Such as the memorial service I attended on Tuesday for a brilliant and handsome former
student of mine––who had two excellent parents. Although he was certainly smart enough to keep up with Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang Theory fame, and would have enjoyed a molecular discussion, too, he died from a heroine overdose. No. I don't want to write anymore about these sad situations, nor the e-mail from the superintendent about 
220 teachers being excessed out of jobs, four of them from our school. How many kids can we squeeze into one classroom? So basically, it was a sucky week.

Those who have followed me for some time know that I'm typically not one to write downer posts. So let's talk about small stuff that fits better with my humor blog. This morning, my sandal broke, but luckily I keep old tennis
shoes in my closet for kickboxing. I put them on and looked tasteless and tacky all day, but it's better than being barefoot. Little did I realize, these shoes are messed up, too. Now this, I can deal with.


  1. After a week like that, you need some chocolate!

  2. That is a bad week indeed.

    Hmmm, those sneakers, can you say superglue?

  3. I'm with Binky on this one, chocolate for you with a scoop of ice cream.

    As for your first story, what is the matter with people?

  4. Oof, i'm so sorry the week went sour that way.

  5. Joyce, it is so hard when difficult times arise to look on the bright side. It does help us to deal with the little things which would otherwise leave us in a ditch. Positive attitudes can truly move us beyond our trials and tribulations.

  6. I hope it gets better, Joyce. Sometimes it's too much to smile our way through. A recharge past. :-) Tomorrow is a new day.

  7. Ugh - you have had a crummy week!! I hope that you have something fun and happy going on this weekend!!!


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