Thursday, October 16, 2014

October on TPT

I've been selling teaching items on Teacher's Pay Teachers for a year and a half and sales are going well. Since it's October, check out my booklet on Halloween Activities. It contains logical thinking puzzles and other activities complete with answer keys.

I've created different logic problems and lessons throughout my teaching career, so it's fun to be able to sell these and earn cash, too.

The best bargain on my site is my Literary Unit for 
Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. 

I made this 183 page power point for my class when we read the novel. However, Number the Stars is popular and my work became buried among the hundreds of products for the same book. Usually, I sell my literary units for anywhere from $14 - $16. Since there were so many other products, I originally priced it at $10. But alas, it was still buried, so I formed a plan. I practically gave it away at $5 and then decided I would add .50¢ back to the price every time it sells. The unit is now selling at $6 and listed on page two–instead of page 8–of the Number the Stars materials, which is getting there. The more an item sells, the higher up on the listing it becomes, so I had to give it away to make it visible, and technically, I still am providing a great bargain at $6 a copy.

If you are interested in purchasing items for your class or home school, please visit my store at:

I've made 271 items for multiple ages and grade levels and in various subjects. If you purchase something and leave a comment on this blog post with your email address and what you would like, I will send you an additional product of your choice for free, just for shopping at my store and being a blog reader. Not bad!


  1. Good luck, Joyce! While i'm not teaching my kids now, i think your stuff is amazing, and i will point some of my still homeschooling friends to it.

  2. Excellent marketing strategy.. Good luck.

  3. This almost makes me want to be a teacher!
    That's some smart marketing, Joyce!

  4. Sounds like a great program. I know a several people who give away their book on Amazon for a day to get their "sales" numbers up. If it's volume you need that might do it.

  5. Awesome way to go about it indeed

  6. What a great way to get quality material used more than once a year in just your classroom alone. I'm glad it's moving right up on the list!

  7. this is such a great thing -- teachers helping teachers and reaching out to parents/children beyond the classroom. This is why teachers are such a special and necessary presence in the lives of our children.

  8. Great idea, Joyce! Teachers will love this!


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