Saturday, October 18, 2014

WeWriWa - Slater to the Rescue

Weekend Writing Warriors

Check this fun hop out at: 

Those who tuned in last week learned about my little guy being blamed for Slater's fart in class. Things weren't as glum as they looked because Slater came to Knob's rescue.

“I confess!” He [Slater] dramatically flung his hands in the air and then slapped his head on both sides. Ignoring Ms. Benson’s squinting eyes, he said, “It was me and those Country Bean’s sausages my mom cooks. Completely nutritious and delicious, but oh, the consequences of eating them.”

Everyone broke out laughing. Even Ms. Benson cracked a slight smile for a moment before returning to her business-like tone. “Slater, class time.”
Sorry, Ms. Benson. I promise not to eat any more sausages before school.” 


  1. Sounds like he's been listening to one too many television commercials, lol. Lots of humor in this scene, very entertaining.

  2. If you can make them laugh, they will forgive you almost anything!

  3. nice scapegoat! I'll have to remember to use that one! LOL

  4. A light moment! Nice that the teacher was amused as well...seems very true to life!

  5. I had farting 9th graders in class this past week. They're so fascinated with it. You captured the moment perfectly.

  6. hahahaha too funny. I don't know how Ms. Benson manages to get any class time done. It sounds like she has a class full of clowns.

  7. What a class clown! But let's be honest... everybody farts.

  8. Oh my gosh, how cute. I love this kid. Do you know just today I had a long conversation with my seven and five year old about farting. They love that stuff. Elijah, my seven year old told Anthony my five year old that everyone farts, even girls and then stopped to think and said, but I've never heard a girl fart. LOL Great snippet!

  9. Slater's quite the character. Sounds like he'll be taking over the class soon.

  10. Haha, very amusing :). When I saw the sentence beginning with 'Ignoring', all I could think was a quote from a class I did a year ago- "The thing after the comma must be thing doing the -ing". :)

  11. Thanks, Sarah. I've seriously considered abandoning this hop because no one gives me constructive criticism on my work. Also, I feel like people get their feelings hurt if I make a suggestion, too. It's good to have someone find something I need to fix.

  12. LOL that was awesome! The speech was so cute--halfway sounding like a commercial. I could picture everyone laughing.

    Keep smiling,


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