Sunday, January 11, 2015

#MM: Guns and Roses

Although Guns N' Roses was a band of misfits who met in LA in the eighties, they created amazing music. The lead singer, Axel Rose, claimed to have been arrested more than twenty times and spent three months in jail. So it's no surprise that Guns N' Roses was seen as dangerous with their anarchist attitude. Today, they still perform and produced an album in 2008, but for the most part have been out of the lime light.

Sweet Child O Mine 
Paradise City


  1. Some of their music was pretty good.

  2. I love their music. I just don't like Axl Rose's voice. Their songs sure do bring back memories though.

  3. ooohh! you can't beat a bit of Guns N' Roses

    Here we go....tanfastic choice Joyce :-)

  4. I was never really a fan of their music, but my daughters current mandolin instructor, is an old rock and roller who used to jam with the band. Also, back in my single days, when I was living in Chicago the band showed up at a bar I was in. Their presence was all anyone could talk about.

  5. I grew up during their golden era..I'm a big fan indeed...many of their songs are world hits and I still remember their lyrics, even up until now. I watched their show in Geneve back in 2010 and Axel Rose was the only original member of the band but they're still kicking :)

  6. Great choices! 80s-90s GNR is one of my favorite bands of all time, and Appetite for Destruction is one of my desert island album must-haves!

    I didn't like Chinese Democracy, but their earlier stuff is legendary. As are the antics of the band members, especially Axl.

  7. We hear Sweet Child O' Mine every so often on the radio, but I've never known what it was called before now. Thanks!

  8. I LOVE Guns N Roses!! Bet you'd never guess, eh? I've got all their CD's! :) LOVE your choices, obviously! ;) Have a great week, Joyce! :)

    Whole Lotta Nothin’ when we’re Young & Crazy riding that Little Red Wagon until the Love Runs Out

  9. Those are both good songs. I like their rendition of 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' too.

  10. November Rain is still one of my favorite songs of all-time.

  11. Definitely 2 of my favorite songs!

  12. Did you sneak in on me my little chick-a-dee! Sweet lil' child of mine has always been a favorite of mine... the others not so much... thanks for the last dance! You're a peach! HUGS

  13. Rock on my girl!
    Thanks for sharing the hits.


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