Tuesday, January 6, 2015

#WW: My Mom The Flower Girl

Aunt Jen's Wedding, June 30, 1928.

My Mom (age 20 months)


  1. I love old pictures like this. My dad sent me a throw he made with my Great-grandmother, my grandmother, and 2 of my 10 aunts.

  2. How cute. Your mom was such a sweetie.

  3. Beautiful pics! I love old photos too and your Mom looks adorable with that bow in her hair. Very shirley temple :)

  4. That's a neat old picture. Your mother was born in the same year as mine was.

  5. What a sweet little girl! And I love the bride's dress.

  6. How nice. Very cool and very nice family photo.

  7. Beautiful photos, and great find. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What lovely photos and how cute does your mum look on in the second one, I love looking at old family photos I always thought people looked older than they were in those days.

    Have a cutetastic week Joyce :-)

  9. Aww she looks so adorably cute! I don't have any photos of my mother as a child as the flood damaged every photo that we had.

    This is truly amazing =)

  10. That is so neat to have these photos! Your mom looks like a little angel in that photo! Was she happy to be getting a new brother in law? LOL

    Hope the new year is treating you well (all seven days of it so far!) and Happy Wordless Wednesday! I hopped over from the WW linky hop, I couldn't miss the first one of 2015!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  11. Oh my goodness your mom looks so cute in that 2nd photo! I simple love black and white or duotone images.

  12. My mom use to tell me stories about having to get her hair permed so that she could look like Shirley Temple. She hated it. Loved your photos!

  13. Oh my goodness! Those photos are a treasure!!
    Happy WW and Happy New Year!

  14. Wonderful wedding photo! Your mom is a cutie. ^.^

  15. What a precious picture! I love old pics...they tell such incredible stories.

  16. oh my goodness this is sooo cute and precious. the curls!! the outfit - love it all.

  17. It sounds so weird to say, "Your mother is adorable." But she is! She looks like a little pixie!

  18. what gorgeous photos....and back in 1928..wooow...your mom looks great and it's good that you still preserve all those great memories from the past..

  19. Look at the flowers the bridesmaids got to carry!!!! That's how to do a wedding. :)


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