Sunday, March 1, 2015

#MM Visits The Carribean

First up, let's go to Kokomo.
We'll get there fast then we'll take it slow with The Beach Boys.
Next up, let's see what Jimmy Buffet is eating in Paradise.

Here is ah sey one deestant Reggae Shark. Peace out, Mon.


  1. Not into Jimmy Buffet. Its a PSTD trigger to my first hubby.

  2. We shared one song. Great minds think the same.

  3. Love that name Jimmy Buffet LOL

    Beach boys was one of my favourites groups growing up along with The Four Seasons :-)

    Have a cheeseburgertastic week :-)

    PS: Good choice Joyce...almost forgot then :-)

  4. Great songs today. The last song was a wrong...but a hoot!

  5. What a line up!
    I love the Kokomo!
    Rock on sister!

    Have a fun week!

  6. Thanks for sharing the great clips.

  7. just enjoyed..keep smiling the wonderful writer n teacher:))

  8. I want to go to Kokomo too, after this winter.

  9. I was just singing Cheeseburger in Paradise on the way home from the store w/the fam. They thought I was off of my rocker, phft. :)

  10. love the tunes,thanks for sharing them

  11. Love the Beach Boys!! some songs will just always mean summer.
    love reggae too.

    I was all set up to get on the music train this week - have been away awhile - but a nasty virus keeps attacking my computer and I am a little hesitant to link up anywhere until it was resolved. I tried a fix today, hopefully it works!
    Could definitely use a Caribbean vacation to unwind now. :)

  12. I love this weeks songs, and can't believe I was so late to get to all this fun. They remind me of my single days sailing in SF and in Mexico. Six strangers shared a yacht and four of us brought Jimmy Buffett.


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