Tuesday, March 3, 2015

WW: Still Hungry

If you please, Sir, I'd like some more.

I'm going for it!


  1. Hey Joyce, I don't know what it is, but if it's your weight, congratulations.

  2. Is that a healthy reading for you? I hope it is.

  3. For Wombies, it'd probably be three times that!

  4. I wish it were my weight, but no, it's my blood sugar level. I'm now a Diabetic, so I often get hungry. Before eating something else, I wanted to make sure my blood sugar wasn't high. 127 for having just eaten something is fabulous!

  5. Let the hungry be feed..Happy wordless Wednesday

  6. You can do this Joyce! My mom had adult onset and kept it under control with diet and exercise. She was in her 60's. After her stroke in her 70's, she became insulin dependent overnight. HOWEVER, she kept at the diet and eventually, came off the meds!!!!

    You can do this Joyce. Get a stationary bike and ride like the wind!

  7. Joyce I am diabetic since 2001 and was on insulin until a few years ago I decided to lose weight the more I lost the less insulin I needed which urged me to carry on I haven't needed insulin for the last 5 or so years now so it payed off.

    Good luck with controlling it I am sure you will do fine :-)

  8. Happy WW Joyce! Hope you had a great week :)


  9. Hooray for good blood sugar control!

  10. My mom was diagnosed with Type II in 2005 or 2006. She lost 25 pounds and kept the diabetes under control through dieting. I don't believe she's ever been on meds, but I worry about her in recent years because she's allowed the weight to return. She'll be 70 next month. I keep warning her, one body, one life! Even though she's slowed down a bit, she tends to keep too busy taking care of everyone else instead of herself. I pray for success in getting your blood sugar level down. Happy #WW!

  11. That looks like a very good reading :)

  12. I thought it was your weight too. Congrats just the same on your blood sugar level. :)

  13. Hope this is good news. You are a sweet check, I hope not too sweet!

  14. Oh I remember these days!! Diabetic during two of my pregnancies and taking readings, and shots, and eating all day long.
    Way to go!
    I can remember though my doctor freaking out on me if I was over 10!!! Maybe it's a different way of measuring in Canada?


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