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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

#WW Spooky Halloween

Ghostly faces often appear in the mirrors at
the haunted Woodruff Fountaine house.
Do you see her or her friends?


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Halloween Tunes

This song stole a piece from the Munsters, so it counts!

See. Did you know the Munsters Theme Song had words?

Poor Marilyn is so plain compared to the rest of her family.

Here's another fun one for Halloween!

And I'll end with something new. Does anyone watch Stranger Things?

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Halloween Freebie

Do you see a ghost in the mirror? I do! Actually, with a good stare, I see several of them, and I haven't been drinking this morning, either. When I toured the very haunted Woodruff Fountaine house in Memphis, I took a photo of the room and caught a corner of the mirror. Many people have reported seeing faces in the mirrors when they look at their photos, so I chose to blow up and play with the editing button on the iphone and voila

I don't know what you'll see, but I see several images. I see . . .

1.)  a Victorian woman in the center of the photo.
2.)  an older gentleman looking over her left side.
3.) a white profile to her right that has a fairly clear ear while the top of the head is wispy.
4.) a possible figure in the lower corner across from the white image.

I also see a bumpy pumpkin in the first writing prompt!

I'm currently at a school where the kids do not celebrate Halloween, so I need to pass this revised freebie onto y'all. I am offering two writing prompts with a Halloween theme for FREE!

Here I am with another one of my pajama posts, too.


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Vehicles - Here We Go

Today's Music Monday Moves Me Theme is "Vehicles", so I had to find unusual modes of transportation in hopes that no one else will post my same songs. 

Let's start with a rocket ship being steered by David Bowie, "Space Oddity."

If one does post my same songs, at least I know they won't post my products, 
related to transportation, of course.

Just think. You can click on my link to buy a close read activity about the largest 
Maritime disaster in history or float along carelessly in a yellow submarine. 

Anyone want to travel with Ringo Starr?

Or, you can zoom on a broom with my Harry Potter Puzzle Pack.

I guess it would be more normal to take your mule for a stroll, one last time.
Poor Sal has been replaced by a steam engine.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Facing History and Ourselves

People make choices. 
Choices make history.

Sick at heart
     What have you done?

Sneer at everything
Finger pointing
     What have you done?

Blame everyone but thenselves
Happened in city.
     What have you done?

I am weary of reasons.
I have fear and trepidation
To bring hope and inspiration,
     What have you done?

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Fall Music and Products

Here's my first "fall" Music post. Enjoy Tyler Joseph and Josh
as they fall down. Twenty-One Pilots must have the clumsiest lead singer of all.

And the lantern may have fallen in the shed to start 
The Great Chicago Fire, so:

Oh, wait. Xmas Dolly said, "Autumn" theme not "fall." Let's try this, again. 

Welcome The Mamas and the Papas with "California Dreamin'."

Oh, no! You said, "Autumn." I think I went too far because the leaves have turned brown as opposed to pretty colors, but it felt fall-like to me, and it is the first and only song I thought of with the theme being "Autumn." Please give me one more chance. I'll get this theme right! 

Here's Van Morrison with Moondance.

Now, that one fits the theme, as does this:

Finally, my title does read "Fall Music" and no one falls better than
Buster Keaton

Friday, October 6, 2017

Pajama Posts for Great Giveaways!

Prize: $75 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 10/13/17 and is open worldwide.
Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers!" rel="nofollow" data-raflid="c396cb38221" data-theme="classic" data-template="" id="rcwidget_6w471e39">a Rafflecopter giveaway
Permalink to my Blog Post
How often should I promote this giveaway? As often as you’d like - for some bloggers that means once a day for others it might be once a week. Totally up to you! The more we promote, the more everyone will benefit. :)

How do I sign up for the next giveaway? You can see the full list of giveaways here. We’d love to have you join us for another!

Also, Don't forget about . . .


To celebrate WORLD TEACHER DAY, we are giving away TWO gift cards to TWO lucky teachers. Myself and a team of amazing teachers have grouped together to reward TWO awesome teachers a well deserved gift for everything they do!
PRIZES INCLUDE 1 x $200 TPT Giftcard. 1 x $200 Amazon Giftcard!

#1 TAG your teacher friends by adding their names in the comment section

REMEMBER: each entry counts as ONE entry, the more links you complete, the higher your chances of winning!
Raffle CLOSES: Thursday 12th October 2017 12am

Thursday, October 5, 2017

World Teacher Day Giveaway


To celebrate WORLD TEACHER DAY, we are giving away TWO gift cards to TWO lucky teachers. Myself and a team of amazing teachers have grouped together to reward TWO awesome teachers a well deserved gift for everything they do!

1 x $200 TPT Giftcard. 1 x $200 Amazon Giftcard!

#1 TAG your teacher friends by adding their names in the comment section

REMEMBER: each entry counts as ONE entry, the more links you complete, the higher your chances of winning!

Raffle CLOSES: Thursday 12th October 2017 12am

Also, SECRET SECRET HASHTAG SALE for one day only! Search #worldteacherday in the Teachers Pay Teachers search bar to find products 1/2 OFF! (October, 5th)