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My humorous thoughts about life.
"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your
Classroom / Music and Random Fun"
We got a new puppy, and here is a song just for him!
Elton John sings about our "Benny and the Pets."
What a face!
I think the cuteness is a safety feature to keep him alive after he does his puppy antics -- chewing, pooping in the house -- he thinks I'm his chew toy!
But after he creates havoc, he falls asleep.
Who doesn't love a puppy?
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Taylor Swift started out as a country singer but has written many amazing rock 'n roll hits! Here she is with "You Belong With Me."
I recently learned that Jeff Goldblum is about to release his first jazz album, which means he has crossover from actor to musician. Here is a musical clip of his. Be on the lookout for his new release.