Catch My Products

Catch My Products
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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Promoting Teachers Pay Teachers

Sorry I haven't been as good about visiting blogs this week. I just got my
Money Product Package
computer back from the shop and have a back log of Teacher Pay Teacher products to post. I've also learned a little more about how to promote my work in order to sell more. So far, March has started out fabulous, so maybe these tips work.

Besides posting new products, I've been collaborately pinning. I go to the Seller's Forum and pin other people's products on my board while they pin mine on there's. I've also taken some of my dollar products and joined them into bundled products. Since the site requires teachers to spend a minimum of $3 at a time, it helps to join products together.

Finally, I've added suggestions of
Spring Into Logic
other products for buyers to look into on the back pages of my products. I could spend a lot of time adding these things to my 300+ products, but right now this isn't my priority. 

Although I enjoy visiting your blogs and writing on mine, I enjoy making money even more. Teachers Pay Teachers has paid for most of our groceries, my broken computer, and many other day to day items. It's great having the extra income. 

If you are a teacher who makes a lot of items for your class, you should open up your own TPT store. It's easy and well worth your time. Just click on this link, and go for it! 

As a side note, all of these product photos and links to them are new. I just made them either today or yesterday. Snow days rock!

I would love for you to visit my store and follow me at: Gifted-And-Talented-Materials-By-Joyce-Lansky or you may follow my Pinterest boards at:


Sunday, March 1, 2015

#MM Visits The Carribean

First up, let's go to Kokomo.
We'll get there fast then we'll take it slow with The Beach Boys.
Next up, let's see what Jimmy Buffet is eating in Paradise.

Here is ah sey one deestant Reggae Shark. Peace out, Mon.