Catch My Products

Catch My Products
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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, November 6, 2023

💵 $100 TpT Gift Card Giveaway and Dollar Deals! 🥂

I've joined with other sellers for a 

$100 TpT Gift Card Giveaway and Dollar Deals!

Check this out.

Prize: $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway 
Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher) 

 Co-hosts:   An Apple for the Teacher, The FroggyFactory, TheBeezyTeacher,  Mrs. Wennings Clasroom, A Teacher and her Cat, It's a Teacher Thing, The Monkey Market, Mickey's Place, Homeschool Style-Katie Ring, Paula's Primary Classroom, Jackie Crews, Angelica's Resources, Sweetie's, The First Grade Lunchbox, Penley's Pointe Educational Resources and Catch My Products.

Click to head to the Rafflecopter  . . . but that's not all!

The giveaway ends 10/13/23 and is open worldwide. 

 Check out amazing Dollar Deals

 Look what Catch My Products has for just a dollar!

Good luck with the giveaway and happy shopping!


Catch My Products

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Wordless Wednesday Mopping Supplies at Target

This gave me a chuckle. I guess you've got to strengthen your hair before you mop the floor with it.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

Musical Monday Moves Me: We Didn't Start the Fire

I am devastated about the attack on Israel, this past weekend. Current events made me think of this song and the new remake of it.

Billy Joel originally wrote We Didn't Start the Fire in 1989.

Fall Out Boy recently rewrote Joel's song with updated lyrics to show more current events.

