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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, May 6, 2017

TpT Giveaway for $75 Gift Card

Prize: $75 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card

Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), 
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter.  Giveaway ends 5/13/17 and is open worldwide.
Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog?  Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers! 

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Who Was Albert Einstein?

My kids are participating in an Einstein Unit that involves chemistry experiments, Hands on Equations, and reading Who was Albert Einstein? I admit I'm pushing it a bit since Einstein was not a chemist, but we've had too much fun mixing vinegar and baking soda and watching bubbles or using pH paper to decide what chemical spilled from a toy truck. Next up is a mock digestion lesson from ECHEM (Environment, Chemicals, and Me).

As for the math, Hands on Equations teaches elementary school kids how to solve algebra problems by moving cubes and pawns. With one month left of school, I'm trying to squeeze in as much as I can.

Our book study, Who Was Albert Einstein?, is a fascinating book. It's from that popular biography series that all the kids are reading these days. I don't know about the kids, but I've learned a lot. For example, I had no clue that Einstein was expelled in high school. He was quite a strong willed person who followed his beliefs no matter the consequences. Pretty cool guy. 

If you want to read this book with your kids, you don't have to go it alone. I've done the work by making a Promethean Board flipchart and Power Point to accompany Who was Albert Einstein? When reading a novel, I like to have a plan about how to teach it. It's good to know what to ask the kids and when. I also like having an occasional project or activity, too. Inside this home made Einstein bundle, one will find the following:

     ➢Introduction to Novel with Visible Thinking Routines
     ➢Information about the Author and other Who Was . . . Books
     ➢Discussion of Quotes from Einstein
     ➢Text dependent questions
     ➢Venn Diagrams to Compare and Contrast
     ➢Questions to Relate Book to Student
     ➢Writing Prompts
     ➢What if Questions
     ➢Opinion Questions
     ➢Interview Einstein Challenge
     ➢Teacher Notes

So check this out at Catch My Products!

teaching Einstein

Monday, April 24, 2017

Traveling Music

I bet you thought I was done blogging. Well, I'm not. I've just been preoccupied with other things. I'm glad to be hopping on the Monday Music Moves Me train with TRAVELING songs.

This is the first one that comes to mind. I love The Allman Brothers and Ramblin' Man is a great song!

Next up is Arlo Gurthrie singing The City of New Orleans.

And finally, here are my favorite excellent travelers of all times, Bill and Ted.

Friday, April 21, 2017

The Truth About Bats Literary Unit

I posted a new product that will make a teacher's life easier when reading The Magic School Bus book, The Truth About Bats. In this complete literature unit, I've included a skill lesson or practice in every chapter.

Check out the cool content.

Are you interested?

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Got A Life

How many times have we heard, "Get a life," addressed to one who has nothing better to do than whine about everything? Let's face it. Complaining takes time. A few weeks ago, we went to a restaurant where we received horrible service and a worse manager. They told us they'd take $10 off the meal, but instead, they upped the price and took $10 off. We kept our receipt and were ready to write Applebees to complain about our bad dining experience, but life caught up with us, and we just never got around to it. Ironically, about two days after the experience, we passed the restaurant and saw a big "Out of Business" sign on the door. So, karma took a huge bite out of them, and she didn't need our intervention.

However, having a life can sometimes interfere with the things we want to do, such as blogging. Between teaching, Teachers Pay Teachers, and other life situations, I am saddened to say, I haven't had much time to drop a blog post and say, "Hey! I'm still alive and kicking."

So, here's a run down of where I've been and why I've been (MIA) missing in action. . . if you care to find out.

The day job:

I am still teaching full time and these kids wear me out! Don't get me wrong, I teach good little
I've done 30 years, what's another two months?
people, but they have a lot more energy than I do. Spring is in the air, and as every teacher knows, we've got to lay down the boom to keep these kids in line. I get to work early, come home late, and by the end of the day, I am absolutely exhausted.

Furthermore, I am a Special Education teacher. Did you know that gifted is under the Special Ed umbrella in the state of Tennessee? That's right! I must write IEPs for each of my third and fourth graders and meet with every parent individually, each year. All of our paperwork is due by mid-April, plus I have test results coming in for new kids that also demands attention, so I am doing everything in my power to keep up with the paperwork, while providing fun and engaging lessons for my kids.

To top it off, our school has a fun but time consuming adventure this week called, Immersion. Each year, the school takes a topic and decorates the halls and minds of the kids with great activities. Our current theme is literature. The kids will love it, but we lose a lot of planning time when Immersion rolls around.

Realizing that I am worn out and knowing that I don't want to be that teacher who hangs around long after she should have retired, I filed for retirement, and this new life is official. With two kids deeply in love (possibly billing us with future weddings), this brings me to my next project, which unfortunately has taken a back burner, preparing for next year.

Monkeys are my favorites!
Job Search:

Retirement means I get to keep half of my salary and all of my benefits. Although my husband has a successful law practice, I still feel the need to make up for the other half of my pay. My TpT business is a nice supplement, but it isn't enough to pay for two weddings. So, I need to revise my resume, write a cover letter, and apply for my dream job. I want something fun, so I'm looking at the zoo. I love animals and the outdoors, and I have a creative edge that would make me a great asset to the zoo family. Ideally, I want to teach educational classes and lead groups throughout the facility. I've noticed two part time openings to drive the train, so all I can think of is, Wooooo! Wooooo! All aboard! I wonder how many train drivers go home and stress about the job while bring tons of paperwork with them? Unfortunately, I have yet to apply for anything because my resume still is not right, and I haven't written that cover letter.

Teachers Pay Teachers

As my long time readers know, I have a business. I sell teaching products on a site called Teachers
Pay Teachers. I love to create interesting products, and if you don't mind my admission to arrogance, I'm good at it. However, running this business takes time. In fact, last week when I had Spring Break, I spent the lion's share of my time, working on my business. That is actually okay because I love doing it. I posted three new products this weekend, alone. My first product teaches dialogue writing, and I saw amazing writing samples when I taught it to my kids. Plus, I love its visuals.

I also wrote a logic problem that connects April Fools Day to Christmas. It's a fact, the fat man is always watching, so kids need to know that April Fools Day CAN get them on the naughty list.

I also bundled several of my April puzzles, as I've been meaning to do.

I often reduce new products by 50% off for the first 24 hours. It's about time for my Writing Dialogue That Rocks lesson to return to $3.

If this were enough, I'd say, "Dayenu." For those of you who don't know, dayenu is a Hebrew word that means, "It would have been enough," which is recited and sung around the Passover table, another time suck that will soon be upon me, as I must prepare for this holiday by cleaning out the refrigerator and every scrap of kitchen I have. But that is not where I was going with this as I mention another item on my plate.

Weight Watchers

Like the alcoholic anonymous meeting, I have come to admit, "I am fat." But, I am doing something about this. Joining Weight Watchers has meant having to take the time to shop for and prepare healthy foods, as well as attend meetings and weigh in every Saturday morning. Dieting also means I'm supposed to be exercising, which relates back to section one of my post -- these kids are wearing me out! But, I'm down six pounds after just two weeks.

So, in conclusion, I have focused my time on a "this is me" blog post. Perhaps I'll find more time to put down the Jodi Picoult novel (Did I tell you I'm deep into a novel when I should be sleeping?) and spend some time on my dying blog. If you read all this, thank you.

Since it is Music Monday Moves Me, I'll end this with my songs. The theme is Sci Fi movies or TV shows. Here's one of my favorite tunes from a sci fi movie.

And I guess I need to post a science fiction song from a television show, too. Here's one of my old favorite science fiction TV shows. ;)

Sunday, March 12, 2017

To Air is Human

This week's Musical Monday Moves Me is songs or groups with the word "Air." So I instantly thought of two groups with "Air" in them.

I've always loved Gracie Slick from Jefferson Airplane. I even saw them perform at the University if Missouri.

The second group I instantly thought of was Air Supply. Furthermore, when I think of this group, "I'm All Out of Love" comes to mind.

Finally, here's a song scene from the movie Airplane.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

#WW : Working Hard


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Art by Erica - Clipart

My daughter has decided to make and sell clipart at my store.



Sunday, February 19, 2017

Presidents' Day

I've been making covers and preparing for different holidays in my store a month before they arrive. I just finished St. Patrick's Day products but forgot about Presidents' Day. Maybe it's because I have to work tomorrow. So as a result, I scrambled to make covers for my logic puzzles about the bizarre pets that several of our presidents owned. What do you think?

It's a lot of work for $1 products, but I've learned that dollar and free products lead to more sales.

As for presidents, I love learning about presidents of the past and know a lot of trivia. Whether about Washington's humbleness as he dug a bridge with his men or John Quincy Adams skinny dipping in the Potomac River every morning. Jefferson was impressive with his multi-talents. He was a talented writer, inventor, violinist, and had a brilliant mind--more impressive than a dinner of Nobel Prize winners, according to Kennedy.

Did you know that John Tyler was on the floor playing marbles when he learned that he was president, due to William Henry Harrison's death? I bet you didn't know that President Garfield was ambidextrous and could write simultaneously in Latin and Greek. Also, our funniest president was definitely Lincoln. For a good laugh, read about some of his antics!

Personally, I believe our most under rated president was James K. Polk. He was a one term president who grew our country all the way to California and settled borders in Canada, too. 

Our worst president, of the past--Warren G. Harding. His presidency was filled with scandal as he catered to big business. After he died from drinking sour or poisoned milk on a train, silent Calvin Coolidge took over and followed the same lame policies that plunged us into the Great Depression. Many would blame Hoover, but I don't. He was just the poor sap who took over after Harding and Coolidge did the damage. Plus, Hoover was clueless on how to fix what he inherited, and thus, Hoovervilles––cardboard box homes named after Herbert Hoover. People say our economy is bad, but no. It's dang good compared to the 1930s.

Here's a song to honor our presidents. It's not current, but I really don't care.

And a typical Gerald Ford maneuver caught on tape.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


This week's Monday Music Moves Me theme is songs about trains or railroads. I figure I can get by this week by featuring a hot group of the time. Here is TRAIN.