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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, August 22, 2016

#WW Inspirational Songs

This week's theme is Inspirational songs. Nothing inspires me more than this song that continually rises from my TV set. If that doesn't inspire us, nothing will.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Win a $10 TpT Gift Card Blog Hop

Clarifying: To earn five points on the Rafflecopter, please leave a comment about a product on this blog post. Thanks!

Here in Tennessee, we're reaching into our third week of school. It's been a rough start with a lot of changes in rezoning, buses, student searches, and everything else that goes along with starting school. However, here is help. Teachers Pay Teachers is packed with great materials to ease you into the beginning of the year and to keep your class running smoothly year round.

My store is filled with logic problems. Perhaps you'd like a logic bundle filled with problems about holidays surrounding the year.

If accountable talk is your goal, try this:

Want to win $10 to spend at TpT? If you're a teacher, of course you do! Enter my Rafflecopter (top of blog), and you are good to go.  The winner may purchase anything at the Teachers Pay Teachers website.

If you're a winner, I'll send you an email with a link and you're ready to shop. Nothing wrong with that! Plus, this is a blog hop, which means head on over to the next blog. If you don't win my $10 card, you may win someone else's. OR, if you're one of these disgustingly lucky people, you may win more than one! Best of luck to YOU.

Please hop on over to Teaching Voracious Learners: