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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Musical Monday at Mister Hats, Aww

My son is a haberdasher. That's right! Daniel owns Mister Hats in Memphis, Tennessee. So, imagine our excitement when Al Kapone and JP on Tha Track put out a video for their new song, "Lies" filmed at Mister Hats!
Above is a photo of Daniel with his grandfather, Alvin Lansky of blessed memory, the original Mister Hats. When it became difficult for my father-in-law to run the hat store, my son bought it. Business is fabulous and includes an online store where you can purchase the wonderful hats seen in this video.

Since this is a Musical Monday Moves Me blog hop, here is the newest rap song by Al Kapone and JP.

As for the Aww Monday, we love old photos with Granddad! 
My two oldest kids worked in the hat store when younger.

Mister Hats 
113 South Highland St.
Memphis, TN 38111

Store Hours:
Monday - Saturday
10:00am - 6:00pm
Closed Sunday

Join our musical blog hop!

And that's a RAP!


roentare said...

The hats look very cool

Sandee said...

How cool that your son is doing what his grandfather did for so many years. A rap song too. Way cool.

Have a fabulous day and week, Joyce. ♥

messymimi said...

What a wonderful family legacy, a store still going strong.

Debbie D. said...

That's an impressive family legacy! Nice to see that hats are making a comeback.

XmasDolly said...

Way ta go girlfriend! Hmmm your store anywhere near Illinois??? hehehe Oh well, keepin' it in the family is a good thing! Way ta go! I wish hats would come back for men. I think they're distinguish looking!!!

XmasDolly said...

MY PaPa always wore a hat & Dad did sometimes in the winter and my boys use to always wear winter hats & girl come to think of it. So, I guess this store is semi-important... Don't think very many wears hats anymore except in the Winter... Great job my friend!!! YOU ROCK!

Cathy Kennedy said...

That's cool! I hope the music video with the rap artist boosts your son's business even more. That's awesome that the business is staying in the family, too. Thanks for sharing and for joining the 4M party, Joyce. Have a boogietastic week! ;)

Binky said...

Your son is now a haberdasher to the rappers.

songbird's crazy world said...

Wow, what a legacy. And to have an artist do a video in your store … nice

csuhpat1 said...

Happy that store is still going strong. Very nice.

Alana said...

My Dad would never leave the house without a hat on. I sometimes went hat shopping with him. He would have loved your family store. It makes me happy to know a tradition is being carried on successfully. As for me, I wear hats in the winter to keep my head warm and on hot days to shield me from the sun.