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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, September 18, 2023

Monday Movie Songs

Today's challenge is movie tunes. I've chosen to highlight football movies because I have a great new logic puzzle for high schoolers about . . . you guessed it . . . FOOTBALL! 

But if you came here for songs, here is Peace Train from Remember the Titans.

Enjoy football season with this challenging logic puzzle or brain teaser for high school students! This resource contains a six-grid logic puzzle, clues, and an enrichment writing prompt that asks students to research and write a paragraph about a football player. A quick and easy setup makes this resource a game-time win for you and your students.

Here is another football movie tune. Let's Come On and Take a Free Ride with a song from Invisible.



csuhpat1 said...

Very sweet playlist here.

CAAC said...

Football season is here but I can't seem to get it in my head. Everything changes so quickly keeps my head spinning. It'll eventually sink in and I can fall into the normal groove of enjoying football again. Nice song picks! Thanks for joining the 4M party. Have a boogietastic week, Joyce!

Binky said...

That's one logic puzzle I'd fail.

songbird's crazy world said...

Nice playlist

Birgit said...

I loved both tunes but a football fan I am not:). If one likes to talk about film, art and nerdy stuff, I'm your

Alana said...

Interesting that two of the first three blogs I clicked on today featured songs from football based movies. Both covers, but both are good songs and I didn't mind. After all, it's football season.

roentare said...

Love the playlist

Sandee said...

Love your take on the theme. Well done.

Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

XmasDolly said...

Well, familiar with some & not with others. I love hearing new stuff even if I don't remember old ones! hehehehe Have a great week! Great job on the tunes my friend!

messymimi said...

Good music, I haven't heard these tunes in a while.

Veronica Lee said...

I enjoyed the music. Nice!