Catch My Products

Catch My Products
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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Memorial Days Dollar Deals #TEACHERSREMEMBER

I've joined with multiple teacher sellers for Memorial Day Dollar Deals. 
All you have to do is go to TpT and search:


on May 28th and 29th to receive great dollar 
bargains on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Catch My Products is offering two 
summer bundles for only $1 each.

Challenge students in 1st -3rd grades with a variety 
of puzzles and activities that are fun and engaging.

For old kids, Summer Boredom Busters for 
grades 3rd -6th will keep them happy.

Only $1

Enjoy shopping, and also, here is one of my favorite 
instrumentals by The Allman Brothers. 
I hate that Gregg Allman passed.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Teachers' MEGA Giveaway and Song


It’s been a long school year and it’s time for a Gift Cards for Teachers MEGA Giveaway. We are ready to reward five LUCKY teachers by giving away five $100 gift cards. You could win a $100 Gift Card to Target, Amazon, Erin Condren, or Teachers Pay Teachers

Details for entering our Gift Card Giveaway:

1. Love, like, or wow this post!

2. Click the link below.

3. The more actions you complete in the Rafflecopter, the better your
chances are of winning!

4. TAG and SHARE our Gift Cards for Teachers MEGA Giveaway
opportunity with as many of your teaching friends as you can!

5. The giveaway ends Tuesday, May 23rd at 11:59 PM EST and our
FIVE lucky winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 24th.

6. Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom and like Catch My Products!

Enter Here

Also, since it's time for Monday Music Moves Me, here's a song. This is the opening to one of my favorite movies about a contest. If you haven't seen Rat Race, you MUST check it out!

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday Music Moves Me to 60s Rock Songs

First up, from the wild and turbulent 1968, comes a Beatles song that tells it all, Helter Skelter.

"I've got blisters on my fingers!"

Next up are the Rolling Stones. I had a tough time choosing one song because Mick Jagger was and is that good. He was so young in the sixties, but in 2017, he still has the moves!

As I watch the concert game spin across Facebook, I thought about adding this band at the bottom of my list of those I've seen in concert to see if the young people even know they're a band--that I haven't had the pleasure of seeing.

Guess Who?

Okay. I cheated a little with that one. Although the band has some good songs from the 60s, I wanted this one, which was released in 1970. Back in college, I went to a bar where they had just finished playing American Woman. A foreign looking man with his shirt unbuttoned and huge gold bling hanging around his neck approached me with his arms spread out and his hips shaking. He sang, "Amereecan Wooman." All I could do was sing, "Get away from me."

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, May 8, 2017

TpT Site wide Sale and Giveaway!

I am just beside myself thrilled with all of the chances you have to win money to spend at Teachers Pay Teachers. Check out this additional contest that I'm helping to sponsor! There is a lot of money to be won.

See Ruby?

Just click and you are ready to enter.

Giveaway Link!

Teachers GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY***** We have teamed up with other great teacher authors to give away 2 AMAZING prizes to 2 LUCKY teachers! Each teacher will win $60.00 in TpT Gift Cards!!! Details for entering our Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Giveaway:

1. LIKE this post!
2. SHARE our Giveaway with teacher friends by writing all your teacher’s friends names in the comment area below.
3. SHARE THIS LINK by hitting your share button to post on your page.
4. CLICK the link provided below to enter!
********The more actions you complete in the Rafflecopter, the better your chances are of winning!***********

This giveaway ends Wednesday, May 10th at 10:00 PM EST and our TWO lucky winners will be announced on Thursday, May 11th.

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#teachersoftpt #teachersofinstagram #teacherlife #teachergifts#kindergartenteacher #lifeofateacher

Saturday, May 6, 2017

TpT Giveaway for $75 Gift Card

Prize: $75 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card

Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), 
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter.  Giveaway ends 5/13/17 and is open worldwide.
Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog?  Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers! 

 Click below to enter!