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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday Music Moves Me to 60s Rock Songs

First up, from the wild and turbulent 1968, comes a Beatles song that tells it all, Helter Skelter.

"I've got blisters on my fingers!"

Next up are the Rolling Stones. I had a tough time choosing one song because Mick Jagger was and is that good. He was so young in the sixties, but in 2017, he still has the moves!

As I watch the concert game spin across Facebook, I thought about adding this band at the bottom of my list of those I've seen in concert to see if the young people even know they're a band--that I haven't had the pleasure of seeing.

Guess Who?

Okay. I cheated a little with that one. Although the band has some good songs from the 60s, I wanted this one, which was released in 1970. Back in college, I went to a bar where they had just finished playing American Woman. A foreign looking man with his shirt unbuttoned and huge gold bling hanging around his neck approached me with his arms spread out and his hips shaking. He sang, "Amereecan Wooman." All I could do was sing, "Get away from me."

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Stacy Uncorked said...

Awesome choices, Joyce! American Woman is my favorite, I'm glad you included that one. ;)

‘Round Here Buzz with the Tin Man I Could Use a Love Song with Red Red Wine

Mary B said...

Love Love Love your song choices for today! (And I don't mind at all that you cheated just a little bit for The Guess Who) Funny story about the bar. Have a great week!

Jingle Jangle Jungle

John Holton said...

I like these choices, especially "American Woman," which was released when I was in eighth grade, so as far as I'm concerned, it's still the Sixties.

Binky said...

All very good songs and bands,

messymimi said...

These are excellent and bring back so many memories!

Colette S said...

Very good selections Joyce! Thanks for sharing.