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Monday, June 26, 2017
Music of South Pacific
A week ago Thursday, my husband, son, mother-in-law and I went to see the sold out production of South Pacific at Theatre Memphis. The show was so good that I volunteered to be an usher and went again last Thursday! I had worked the set for this musical when we put it on in high school so have just about memorized the words to all of the songs. After all, I heard my classmates rehearse daily. I love the spunk of Bloody Mary and Billis, and the Leutellant of this cast really was a saxxy man. I've also watched and rewatched the movie with Mitzi Gainer. So sit back and venture off to the South Pacific.
Next up is the song I've had stuck in my head all weekend.
And Mandy Patinkin sings it so well.
South Pacific has so many lively songs. Check this one out.
Here's another fun one.
And although I'm normally not one to post more than three songs,
I have to post this favorite of mine before I go.
Oh, heck. One more. I love this song, too, but it's certainly not the last song I love from South Pacific. Just the last one I'm posting.
So if you haven't seen this musical, it's a must!
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Holy cow! That's a side of Mandy Patinkin I've never ever seen!! I didn't know he could sing! Very cool choices all around, Joyce! Enjoy your week - and thanks for the dance! :)
I haven't seen the show or the movie, but I certainly have heard of it. I would like to see the film. It looks intriguing and now I know where the song "I'm Going To Wash That Man Out of My Hair" comes from. Do you remember the hair color commercials jingle, "I'm going to wash that gray right out of my hair"? I bet you do. :D lol It's great to dance with you, my friend. Have a good week!
I used to go to a sleepaway camp that put on a Broadway show each summer and one year (this was in the early 1960's) we did South Pacific. I was in a chorus so had to learn the songs. I've mostly forgotten some of the songs but not all of them. Thanks for the memories! Alana
I've never seen South Pacific but it sure looks good! I was shocked to see Mandy Patinkin: so young! And what a voice!! Wow, that was a cool surprise! And I love the song I'm Gonna Wash That Man Outta My Hair. It made me think of that old hair color commercial: can't remember the brand but I remember the song "Gonna wash that gray right outta my hair" - that was some slick advertising! :)
I either haven't seen it since I was little or never saw it. Listening to the words of Carefully Taught made me feel sad. I didn't listen to anymore on this page. Sorry.
Holy cow! That's a side of Mandy Patinkin I've never ever seen!! I didn't know he could sing! Very cool choices all around, Joyce! Enjoy your week - and thanks for the dance! :)
Love this! South Pacific was one of the very first musicals that I saw as a child. Thank you for the memories!
"South Pacific" is a good show. We saw a church production of it with a friend of ours whose brother was in it. And yes, he was "Honey Bun." Good set!
I have a sudden desire to visit a deserted island.
Great memories! If i still had my albums and record player, i'd probably give this a listen, followed by Man of La Mancha.
I haven't seen the show or the movie, but I certainly have heard of it. I would like to see the film. It looks intriguing and now I know where the song "I'm Going To Wash That Man Out of My Hair" comes from. Do you remember the hair color commercials jingle, "I'm going to wash that gray right out of my hair"? I bet you do. :D lol It's great to dance with you, my friend. Have a good week!
I used to go to a sleepaway camp that put on a Broadway show each summer and one year (this was in the early 1960's) we did South Pacific. I was in a chorus so had to learn the songs. I've mostly forgotten some of the songs but not all of them. Thanks for the memories! Alana
That sounds like a great musical! I would love to see it. My son has a small part in Rag Time, coming out in Aug.
I've never seen South Pacific but it sure looks good! I was shocked to see Mandy Patinkin: so young! And what a voice!! Wow, that was a cool surprise!
And I love the song I'm Gonna Wash That Man Outta My Hair. It made me think of that old hair color commercial: can't remember the brand but I remember the song "Gonna wash that gray right outta my hair" - that was some slick advertising! :)
Have a great week,
Michele at Angels Bark
I either haven't seen it since I was little or never saw it. Listening to the words of Carefully Taught made me feel sad. I didn't listen to anymore on this page. Sorry.
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