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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Musical Monday's Name Game

Hi, Peeps!

We've been challenged to post songs beginning with the first letter of our names. I immediately thought of this fun one that I hadn't heard in ages. Here's Three Dog Night singing "Joy to the World."


Next up is a current favorite song that I keep hearing on the radio. Although I really don't like the idea of using a child in such a morbid clip, this is the group's official video, so I'll post it. I've recently gotten hooked on a Netflix show called, "Stranger Things." The cute little boy in this video, is the same one missing in the show, and I just have to wonder if this is a predictor of things to come. It doesn't look good for him. Also, the name of the group fits my middle name; however, the song starts with the same letter as my last name, so it works!

"Panic! At the Disco: LA Devotee"


Finally, here's a song for my last name. I've always loved musical productions, so for my last name, here's a song from the 1955 film version of "Guys and Dolls". Sky Masterson (played by Marlon Brando), is in pursuit of a religious lady and has bet all his money against his thug friends in a dice game in the sewer. If he wins, they must come to the church meeting. It's a great show! "Luck be a Lady."


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messymimi said...

Great choices!

csuhpat1 said...

Nice songs. I truly love "Joy to the World", thanks for playing it.

Glenda Cates said...

I love the song Joy to the World and it was nice hearing it this morning. Have a blessed day and I hope nothing happens to the little boy.

Cathy Kennedy said...


"Joy to the World" is a great oldie and a purrfect "J" song but I like that you used your middle and last names, too. Good for you! Have a great week, myf riend. I can't believe this is the last day of July, can you?

Mary B said...

I love your take on this challenge, today! And Joy To The World has been a favorite since my younger years. Three great songs. Really enjoyed this.


Michele at Angels Bark said...

I so love the Three Dog Night! So many of their songs are favorites of mine. And I used a Three Dog Night song in my M post today...
I like the Paull song very much. It's new to me but I definitely enjoyed it. The video: not so much. It was kind of odd ...
Interesting video clip from Guys and Dolls. I never saw it before...Maybe one of these days.

Have a great week,

Michele at Angels Bark

XmasDolly said...

Today is the last day to put your entries in for our giveaway! There will be three winners and three prizes to pick from for the first winner, then two and then whatever is left. GOOD LUCK & THANK YOU for playing Monday’s Music Moves Me. Today’s theme is to pick a song that begins with the first letter of your name! HAVE A ROCKIN’ WEEK MY FRIEND! BIG HUGS & THANK YOU for sharing some fabulous tunes! Best tune of course is Marlon Brando! I haven't heard that version in YEARS! AWESOME............... Thanks for sharing! hugs

Binky said...

Joy to the World is a great old song.

Mike Golch said...

Love the tunes you picked.

bookworm said...

Although I love Three Dog Night, I went right to the Panic at the Disco song - a group I had heard of but had never (knowingly) listened to any of their songs. Quite catchy! As for Marlon Brando....Alana

Colette S said...

Definitely some new spins for me.
Thanks for rocking!