As aspiring authors, it's exciting to learn about new agents who are actually looking for clients! I was blessed to interview Mr. Harold Lyon Baer about his unique practices that are sure to escalate him to the top of the publishing world.
Joyce: It's always interesting to know what people do before becoming agents. I mean, have you always been a part of the book world?
Harry: When I was young, I traveled a lot. In fact, I was part of an expedition in the Arctic Circle. During that time period, we did a lot of hunting and ice fishing.
Joyce: Really? That's fascinating. So tell me Harry, what sort of books are you interested in?
Harry: I love books about animals! I especially love the Berenstain Bears.
Joyce: Well, who doesn't? So you're interested in picture books?
Harry: Picture Books, Middle Grade, YA--anything will float with me. Listen, Joyce. I need to cut this interview short. My wife's calling. You know, the cubs are getting restless. But please have your readers call me if they'd like to give me a pitch about their books.
Joyce: Wait a minute? No query letter? Just a phone call?
Harry: Sure. I like to get to know potential clients. If they turn out to be like honey, we just might gel.
Joyce: You sure are a rare species, Harry!
Harry: That's what they keep telling me. Please tell your readers that I'm located at:
64th Street and Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10021
New York, New York 10021
Come visit or call (212) 439-6500 and ask for Harry Baer. Also, if anyone is interested in knowing more about me, here's my website:
Thanks, Harry!
A is for Agent! Tune in tomorrow to read about letter B -- Hmm? Beer, Barbecues, Babies -- Are you curious enough to click?