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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Thursday, April 3, 2014

D is for Dead, Dead, Deadsky

On Monday, my computer failed to project my lesson to my high-tech Promethean Board; so, I did what we're told to do: I turned off my computer. This would have been great had the machine turned back on. Nope. I poked, tapped, and held the button down for an insane amount of time, but the computer is dead, dead, deadsky. Luckily, I just backed it up last week. Even still, I lost part of today's lesson and had to hustle to rewrite it. Technology is great when it works, but when it doesn't . . .

Word of advice: 


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#AtoZ: Here's Letter C at Catch My Words


I started Catch My Words almost seven years ago to show book agents and editors that I'm part of the internet world and get published. Seven years later, I'm still not published but am in a great position when the time comes for shameless self promotion. I've also made wonderful bloggy friends who I hope will offer arc giveaway contests for my book when the time is right.

Note lower right hand corner: Not actual size
As you can see, my blog didn't really take off until 2009 or beyond. Posting once every six months doesn't bring readers. Also, my current readership is down, but so are my blog visits. It's tough to keep up with visitors while working full time and posting three times a week, or daily in April.

My trick to successful blogging is keeping posts concise, funny, and adding pictures. People don't want to read much, so after writing a draft, I'll cut verbiage.

Finally, I have a few favorite posts that have
Erica's artwork of the Tooth Fairy: Tina Fartingle.
not gotten attention, while others enjoy multiple hits. Maybe it's because of words like "Christian Gray" or "sex." Yep, those two always up the stats. Have a great day, and here are some kisses for you. XXX  Ha, psych! I just attracted some weirdos.

I leave you with a link to a post from March, 2011. It reached a whopping twenty views and four comments! Lunar War?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A-Z Meets Babies with Letter B

Who didn't read my entire post yesterday and congratulated me on my pregnancy?

No woman my age would want a crying pee-shooter keeping her up in the middle of the night. Now grandchildren would be different, you can love on them and then give them back. So, NO. I'm not going in the history books for having a baby after a hysterectomy, although I did read about this happening in rare cases when women kept their ovaries. 

None-the-less, I'd love to have a human grand baby one day, but for now, I have to settle for grand dogs. Don't get me wrong, I love Ruby and Mowgli. They even let me sleep at night when they come for visits, but they aren't human.

However, we have set rules for our kids to follow before giving us grandchildren.
         1.  The kids must be married to have babies. 
Although I advertised for a wife last year on my son's birthday, he is still single. Dating a sweet girl, but single, none-the-less.

          2.  The kids must have a college degree to wed.
Two down, one is over halfway through. 

So perhaps we're getting close. Anyone want to marry my beautiful and educated children and make human babies?