5775 is a palindrome just like my middle school guidance counselor's name, Ms. Otto (O-t-t-o backwards and forwards; toot inside out). But so what. Any guesses what 5775 stands for? Maybe it's the number of hairs lying on our
floors from our two shedding dogs. They shed an awful lot, and I'm too tired after work to vacuum. I need to pick the hairs off the floor and take them to the attic. That way I can scare away the pesky squirrels who have moved in without paying rent. But that's not why I called this post 5775.
5775 could be the number of pixels coming from the horror movie on my TV set. It's called The Watcher and stars James Spader, Keanu Reaves, and Marisa Tomei. Great cast! It's fourteen years old and only has one star, but I started watching it because a long time ago, I read a book by Dean Koontz and thought this could be it. It isn't. Anyway, since I have no idea how many pixels it takes to show a movie any more than how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, that's not the reason I called this post 5775.
However, I ate an amazing brisket dinner last night and another yummy meal, today. I'm probably doomed after consuming 5775 calories complete with apples dipped in honey. So I guess that's why this post is called 5775. If you don't believe me, just google 5775 and see what you get. Then, make it a great one!