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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Friday, April 13, 2012

#AtoZ : My Lansky Love

Today, Friday the thirteenth is a lucky day for my husband who turns 47--he counts his years backwards ever since his fiftieth birthday. I'd love to get him a scrumptious cake, but it's Passover, so I'll have to figure out something else to make his birthday special. How about a post devoted just to him?

Although Mr. Lansky's first name is Mitchell, I refer to him as Superman. He's run seven or so marathons and has participated in too many triathalons to count. Last fall, Superman trained 150 people to bike 100 miles. Of course his unfit wife freaks on the major streets.

Not only is Lansky a super athlete but also a super husband as well. Superman does dishes, which every woman knows is highly sexy.

Furthermore, if I need something, be it feminine products or whatever, he will race out the door for me... and as an athlete, he's fast too. Also, Superman is highly intelligent. Not only did he get through law school and has been practicing for many years (still hasn't gotten it right since he practices), he also had the good sense to marry me.

In case that's not enough, my husband has been an outstanding father who has guided our three children into adulthood with patience and understanding. He knows how to talk to people whether its telling the kids what to do or negotiating million dollar deals. 

So, Happy Birthday, my Lansky Love!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

#GBE2: My Krib

GBE2's weekly theme is home. Since I already wrote my "H" post, I decided to call my home, "My Crib" or err "Krib." Hey, it's a humor blog. I can spell it any way I want.

See the white square in the center? That's our sun room.

I live on a great street for blogging humor. In fact, it's gotten to the point that when the police get the call from our neighborhood, they roll their eyes.  Maybe it's from the time our neighbor called to report her stolen car. She drove it three doors down, visited with a friend, then walked home. Oops.

Or, do they roll their eyes from the time the speeding kids took out our brick mailbox with Grandma's Cadillac--nah--that became a dot on the bridge for a few weeks later a car went airborne into the house on the huge hill at the end of the cove. No joke. The car crashed through the window, the dining room, and stopped on the back wall of the kitchen, where two drugged out teens stepped out unscathed and said, "Whoa!" Ironically, there were no tire marks on the grass.

Now the neighborhood kids joke,
"Let's take mushrooms and drive through the E's house!"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

#AtotZ : Jump Rope Camp

Many years ago, I was a sponsor of the Riverdale Ropers jump rope team. This meant two one week sessions of Jump Rope Camp in Huntsville, Texas. Each year, the camp chose a motivational theme. I attended "Christmas in July" and "Super Heroes."

The talent at these camps was unbelievable! Upon arrival, Experts tested kids and divided them into ability groups for a week of intensive workouts. We'd all advance our skills and take this training back home. I say "we" because us adults put on Depends and limped to coaches' training. At the end of the week, we'd show off our skills with a huge performance for the entire camp.

While the kids performed triple unders and booty bounces, we jumped a fabulous routine to Batman music. With ropes behind our backs, like capes, we ran onto the center of the gym floor. Every time the music said the word, "Batman," we jumped twice. Life got tough when hearing, "Batman, Batman, Batman." That's six jumps which had us bent over and puffing. Our finale topped all when we tossed our ropes in the air and missed catching them.

Here's a sample of the sort of amateur performances by others.

And as you see, we jumped a lot to the chosen song! Every Batman meant two jumps.