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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Theme Thursday: Soup

I love soup. It's the comfort food I like to snuggle up to on a cold winter night. Although summer gazpacho also flames my jets! Love of soup might even be genetic since my daughters love soup too. When Judy was in third grade, she had an assignment to make a map of her own city. Soup City contained fabulous places such
as Chicken Noodle Lane and Beef Noodle Boulevard.
What movie is this photo from?

While we're still on the soup topic, check out my soup scene from my third manuscript Being Bompsy Carleffa. 
Gil placed tomato-base soup in front of each of us. When I blew and sipped it off my spoon, I was shocked. Cold soup? All this money, and these people couldn’t heat the soup.
            “Do you like the gazpacho?” Fiso asked.
            I dropped my spoon on the table. Why would he mention the Gestapo? What was he, a modern day Nazi? Sure, doesn’t everyone like murderers? Sick. This guy’s really sick!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: I Voted


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Silly Sunday: Wacky Packages

Fright Guard
When I was a kid, we dashed to the candy store, paid our nickels, and got packs of Wacky Packages. I had a thick stack of stickers after collecting for awhile, but somehow they've disappeared over the years. I wish I still had them because these vintage cards are going for several dollars a piece on Ebay. Some for a several lot of dollars.

It's funny to reflect on the goofy topics that appeal to kids. At my ten year high school reunion, my grade school classmates and I reminisced about how easy it was to make our sixth grade selves laugh. All we had to do was whisper, "Underwear," and everyone within hearing distance would laugh so hard they'd have to cross legs to keep from peeing.

Why don't these things make us laugh anymore? Adults take life too seriously. 
Does anyone else remember these?

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