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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

#WW - You Had One Job to Do


Monday, December 26, 2016

#MM - That's How You Know You've F-upped

My daughter was driving down the street listening to this song. With the weather being unseasonably warm, she rolled down the window. Outside, a gathering of Christians celebrating Christmas with a Nativity play glared at her. She said, "I'm going to H%ll." That's how she knows she f-upped.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

I'm Having a Sale

Tomorrow is Christmas, and it's not too late to do some holiday shopping. I'm having a 20% off sale in my Teachers Pay Teachers store along with several other TpT store owners. We've teamed together for a sale AND a giveaway for two $25 gift cards.

If you have a spare moment, please enter the contest and stop by Catch My Products for 20% savings.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tremors in the Earth

Did y'all feel the earth wobble last Monday? If so, it was probably our Founding Father's rolling over in their graves. You see, way back when, these distinguished gentleman decided to invent the Electoral College because they believed that the average person was not smart enough to make such an important decision as to choose the leader of our country. To safe guard us from getting someone
unqualified for such an important office, they decided to have electors, people strong in their parties and knowledgeable about the process, to be the ones who actually cast the votes for the president.

That way, if the people chose someone whose lack of knowledge and experience in the office could be harmful to the country, that person wouldn't be able to become the president. Obviously, our fail safe method didn't work. If the electors were what our Founding Fathers meant them to be, they would have gone against the people's choice and chosen a better qualified Republican for office. I have to wonder about a leader whose best cabinet pick is Sylvester Stalone. God save America.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

#WW This is Us


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Musical Monday

One more day until vacation and I'm so ready.  Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, A Joyous Kwanza, Eid Mubarak, Feliz Navida, or Happy Holidays to all.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

#WW - Daniel Gives Millie an Exciting Life


Sunday, December 4, 2016

#MM Happy Birthday to Me

December 5th is my birthday, so I will post whatever I want, thank you very much. Here's my favorite birthday song, via The Beatles!

Elton John says, "I can tell everybody this is my song," so I will.

Although I'm not telling how old I am, here is a song that is as old as me. Do your research and the answer awaits.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

I am Thankful for Stevie Wonder

When choosing my artist to be thankful for, I had several thoughts. At first I could have gone with Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake, or Taylor Swift; but then, I thought I should be thankful for one I've listened to my entire life. That's when Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, and Michael Jackson emerged as a strong possibilities. The problem with Jackson is that his life outside of singing doesn't bring thanks. I probably would have gone with Jagger if a Stevie Wonder song hadn't reverberated through the radio.

Stevie Wonder has not only been entertaining me for years, but surely he has inspired many of young artists. There is not one Wonder song that isn't wonderful. Plus, he's blind. I saw him in concert once. He spoke about threatening his daughter's date with his gun when he would blindly shoot around the room. He's great! so here goes . . .

First up is my husband's favorite Stevie song.

And here is mine. I think it's one of his lesser known songs, but I could be wrong. In the eighties, I worked at Marboro Hall in St. Louis, a respite care facility for handicapped children and adults. We often played the radio on a jazzy station that used to play "Do I Do" a lot.

Now that I've listed my husband's favorite Stevie song and mine, here is the song from our first dance at our wedding thirty years, ago. We danced to "Ribbon in the Sky" by Stevie Wonder.

I usually post one or two songs, but come on, now, this is Stevie Wonder!

And finally, here's your chance to get to know the man behind the music. Enjoy!