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Showing posts with label #Palestinians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Palestinians. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I Support Israel!

On June 10th, three Israeli teenagers were abducted and murdered by Palestinians from the West Bank. Hamas called the murderers heroes and held celebrations where Palestinians danced and passed out candy. The news never reported these celebrations because everything reported must slam Israel in the
eyes of the world; however, you did hear reports of how an Israeli murdered an innocent Palestinian boy in revenge of the killings. Did the news tell you that Israel immediately condemned this murder, and Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to hold the murderer accountable? Or, did they report how Israeli police have arrested a suspect in the Palestinian boy's murder who will be punished if found guilty. This is quite a different reaction to the murders. In fact, this disgusting cartoon was posted on "The Palestinian Movements/Fatah's" central page depicting the murdered Israeli boys as rats caught in a fishing line with a caption translated to, "A Master Stroke." 

Sparked by these controversies, Israel is now involved in what looks like the start of a full blown war with Hamas. Today's New York Times headline reads, "Gaza Deaths Spike in Third Day of Israel Air Assaults." The article goes on to discuss Palestinian deaths while over 100 rockets have been shot into Israel. Try over 400 rockets

When these rockets bomb Israeli areas filled with civilians, sirens sound for Israelis to take cover in bomb shelters. Furthermore, five 55 million dollar iron dome missile defense systems knocks many rockets out of the sky before they can do damage. This is why Israeli deaths have been absent, knock on wood.

On the Palestinian side, missiles are targeted at the rocket launchers that threaten Israelis and at the Hamas leaders. Before such attacks begin, Israel has dropped leaflets, phoned civilians in the area, and launched radio reports warning people to leave the area before the attack. Rather than leave as told, people are used as human shields to win the media war. "Look at all of the innocent children the Israelis have killed." Some of the photos have been found to not even be real, but rather deaths from as far back as 2009 or from a war between Syria and Iraq. Are Israelis really killing innocent people, or are they being killed by Hamas terrorists who put them in harms way? The news media is quick to blame everything on Israel as does a good part of the world. But let me ask, if missiles rained down on your country, would she defend herself? IF so, you need to support Israel. 

You may donate to help Israel if you desire.

You may even donate pizza to the IDF soldiers in Israel.