Is it me, or does anyone else see something odd about my garage door opener?
I vant to suck your car!
Take me to your leader. |
I also saw a smile on the light post when I left work the other day. I tried to take a picture but look what I got instead. *Blush*
Move over Stephen Spielberg.
That first one was smiling at me ;-)
LOL @ the vid :-)
LOL I may have spit a little tea out when I laughed ;-)
Love the smiles you found though.
Hope you can stop by and share.
I love it. Ha ha. It is so fun seeing faces.
I was thinking alien ;)
Glad you are seeing smiles, that can only be good. Happy WW and thanks for the giggles :)
If you turn the top picture upside down it definately would look like an alien with an antenna on its head. LOL
Have a great Day!
Well at least they look friendly! Even though they may be watching you.
Haha love it! Thanks for linking up at Momma T and Baby E! Hope to see you again next week =)
Crazy faces!!!
LOL! Faces are everywhere!! ;)
Crazy funny :)
that's a very fun idea, you are some surprising lady :). Kisses.
Those smiles are really beautiful.
It's fun to look for things that make us smile in our ordinary lives isn't it. My garage door opener doesn't have that cute little face on it - wish it did.
Dear Joyce, I think it is just wonderful that you see smiles in different images. You have a sunny outlook on things. Blessings, Catherine xo
I love that you find smiles everywhere!
It does look like it is smiling.
At least he looks like a friendly garage door opener. =)
Happy WW!
Fun fotos! Love the lamp smile! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) ~ from Aquariann's WW
You may have issues ;)
Smiles all around you are awesome! My electronic devices are much meaner.
That would definitely be a day maker. That is so great.
loving those, it always makes me smile to see faces in things.
I'm your newest GCF, found you from Jenni's bloghop!
Haha, too funny!
Love these pictures! Isn't it funny how everything gets funnier up close? lol
Cute and amusing :)
Ha, what a cute observation! ^.^
-:¦:- WW: Tree Seedpod -:¦:-
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