Each year when I attend the Southern Women's Festival, I pass multiple ladies participating in a teeth whitening exhibit, which costs a lot of money. Maybe the company offered a discount at the show, but it was still well over one-hundred dollars. I know this procedure is costly because today I received the Groupon below.
Teeth-Whitening Treatment |
B. Center |
Memphis — 4 miles from Home |
45-minute blue-light treatments can render teeth two to eight shades brighter
| |  |
Even with the discount, the price is still ridiculous.
I recently received a package from
Smile Brilliant that included everything I needed to whiten my smile. The kit sells for $69.95 but is on sale for $39.95. I've really wanted to do this because my smile has grown yellow over the years, but our budget is tight since we've put two kids through college and a third is halfway through. I've questioned the dentist about whitening treatments, but he also quoted a hefty price tag for the procedure. Dang! I figured I'd never have white teeth again, until I stumbled on a blogging opportunity to try a home whitening kit and blog about it. I hope it works.

First I took a picture of my chompers on Sunday, Sept. 29th with my cell phone. Although I hate to point out my faults, my teeth are yellowish in all but the tips. My tips are white because as a little girl, I fell and scraped my enamel. One might say, that's not bad, the tips of my teeth are white; however, this feature makes my yellowing teeth more noticeable due to the contrast.

Next, I had to remove the plastic between batteries on my glow light. This allows it to work. The hard part came when I tried to get gel out of the pen. My directions didn't say anything about twisting the bottom, so I fought with the thing until I visited the company's website, which instructed me to twist the bottom of the pen repeatedly to get the gel to move up to the brush. I was told that gel pens are stored with the brush side up to keep them from leaking during shipment and the gel settles in the bottom of the pen. For this reason, I might have to twist my pen 20-30 times. I twisted the thing 40 times before any gel rose to the surface. After getting the gel onto the brush, the rest was easy. Paint each tooth, put the plastic guard over the teeth, insert the ridiculous looking blue light into the mouth, and wait.
The gel had that fresh dental taste to it, not that I'd recommend eating it, but it is meant to go into the mouth and felt okay in there.
Here I am looking stupid with this blue light thing sticking out of my mouth. Kinda reminds me of Millie with her tongue hanging out, but as I always told my kids, "We do things for beauty." Beauty even hurts sometimes (like the eyebrow tweeze), but this procedure is painless. Plus, my husband liked it because it kept me from talking. The directions say to keep the Whitening Light in the mouth for (20-45 minutes) and if you have time continue whitening for an additional 20-120 minutes. The longer you do it, the better the results. I was looking stupid for one hour and ten minutes; however, it's okay to look stupid when no one is around to see you–––unless you take a picture and post it on your blog.
Are you ready for the results? Below is what happened after one use. My kit has seven uses, so I can keep doing this and watch my teeth get whiter and whiter every time. The procedure was easy enough for even me, so I will do this again and again until my teeth look pretty enough to compete in the Miss Tennessee pageant.
The result are hard to see with a lousy phone camera like mine, but I have no doubt that my teeth are looking slightly better after this first application, and my husband concurs. They're nice and shiny, too.
I tried this again three days later, and here are my teeth after the second application.
After only two applications, I'm happy with this product and am eager to see how much whiter my teeth will get. I would highly recommend Smile Brilliant to friends and family. You may order your kit through their website at
http://www.smilebrilliant.com. Please let me know if it works for you, too.
So what do you think?
Is my SmileBrilliant?
If you'd like to try Smile Brilliant, write a comment on this post, and I'll send the winner a coupon code. Since I'm not one of these fancy bloggers, I guess I'll just have to write your names on paper and reach into a paper sack.