Catch My Products

Catch My Products
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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, November 27, 2017

Musical Monday Teacher Sale

Hey, Peeps!

I'm having a 20% off sale for my entire store during the TpT Cyber sale. 
Plus, with a code, you can get 25% off! 
These are real bargains, so please stop by Catch My Products.

Also, I have a NEW product, about the Underground Railroad, 
that is selling for 50% OFF during the sale.

This is a music hop, so check out this little guy singing.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Win A $10 TPT Gift Card

Hey friends! Check out my $10 TpT giveaway on this Raffelcopter.

I've been so busy entertaining my family this Thanksgiving that I have not had much of a chance to advertise my giveaway, which means YOU could win!

Enter Above this post.

Monday, November 20, 2017

A Tennessee Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here again, and I'm excited to be hosting our family meal right here in the south! See, my family is very fortunate because we never stopped having Thanksgiving together, like we did as kids. Each year, we hop to a different city with the whole mishpacha! Last year, we had almost everyone as we rented a house on a beach in Charleston. I am sorry that one nephew and his family won't be joining us, nor will another nephew's girlfriend. But, we are excited to have the future inlaws of my son and daughter coming to Tennessee. All together, we plan to visit with a total of 29 guests  . . . so THAT is what I am thankful for.

I've been busy cookin' up some good vittles all week! We've got our fancy eatin' table, for twelve, and we even got one new pot passer for the occasion. Plus, we will be using the dining room table and the kitchen table. My husband ran over a litter of fresh possum, so we don't even have to pick up dead ones from the road to cook for our possum stew; that's illegal in the state of Tennessee, anyway. Gee. I hope that possum isn't part of Jeff Session's family.

Since this is part of Music Monday Moves Me, I guess I have to post at least one song about Thanksgiving, so here goes!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

NANO Writes YA

Sunday, November 12, 2017

#WW One Hit Wonders

Anyone see That Thing You Do? It was a movie about a group that became a one hit wonder. Here is their song.

This next one comes direct from my future son in law and great niece. It may not be a hit yet, but stay tuned! I hope you can find a way to listen.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, November 6, 2017


November is NANO month, which means writers from all over the world attempt to pump out a first draft of a 50,000 word novel in just one month. I've always wanted to do this, but as a full time teacher, I never had the time. As a part time teacher, tour guide, and business owner, I still don't have the time, but I'm making this happen because it is more doable than last year. Having written almost 10,000 words so far, I'm not going to tell you what my young adult novel is about, but I'll leave you some clues in song.

Do I have your curiosity?

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, November 3, 2017

The Glasses Shop

I hit another blogger jackpot when The Glasses Shop  contacted me about sampling their product. It was meant to be because they emailed me the day before my yearly vision appointment. Although I usually wear contacts, I always love a new pair of prescription glasses, and nothing is better than prescription glasses online! I just headed to the shop and browsed their large selection of glasses frames. Finding an ordering the frames was easy! Picking out just one pair from their huge selection, not so much. But what made things easier is that I could digitally try on multiple pairs with the click of a button right from my kitchen table. I had no long wait in line, just click, click, and my new glasses were on their way.

I pasted these digital lenses onto my morning face, 
while wearing pjs, and placed my order.


It didn't take long for the box with
my prescription glasses to show up in my mailbox. Oh, boy! Even the box they came in was cute. This is a sturdy little box with a velvety inside and a magnetic seal on the out. It also came with a towel to keep my glasses shiny new. I love the browns and subtle greens of the frames. Even my husband complimented them. But what's even better, I can see. These are great long distance vision glasses. The other end of the room is clearer than it's been in years! I guess one gets used to seeing a certain way and doesn't realize how much better the world can look.

Here I am wearing my NEW prescription glasses from

Do you like them? I do!

Best of all, YOU can get your pair of prescription glasses online. And what's more, I have a special coupon code for you: GSHOT50. This means that you can have 50% OFF of your eyeglasses and sunglasses frames with free lenses (sale items excluded). Have you ever wanted prescription sunglasses? Here you go!