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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, November 12, 2017

#WW One Hit Wonders

Anyone see That Thing You Do? It was a movie about a group that became a one hit wonder. Here is their song.

This next one comes direct from my future son in law and great niece. It may not be a hit yet, but stay tuned! I hope you can find a way to listen.

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XmasDolly said...

Nope! Didn't see the movie nor did I ever hear this song! I must be living under a rock! ~hehehe~ I did see Liv Tyler in there though! I think she's a great actress. She really should do more movies! Have a rockin' week my friend! Good stuff here! You rocked the house!

Cathy Kennedy said...


I do not know this movie but the mewsic sounds familiar. I was unable to play the song sent to you. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang, my friend!

messymimi said...

My Sweetie really likes that movie, and the song. The audio on the second one won't work on my pad, i'll try on the computer when i get a chance.

csuhpat1 said...

I remember the song and movie. Very nice memory.

John Holton said...

Never saw the movie or heard the song, but I like it. Couldn't get the second to play; I'll try a different app and see if that makes a difference.

Binky said...

I guess one hit is a lot better than no hits.

bookworm said...

No, I didn't see the movie but I enjoyed the clip - I like that kind of music. And, sorry, I couldn't play the other link. Alana

Mike said...

Nice pick!