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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, November 20, 2017

A Tennessee Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here again, and I'm excited to be hosting our family meal right here in the south! See, my family is very fortunate because we never stopped having Thanksgiving together, like we did as kids. Each year, we hop to a different city with the whole mishpacha! Last year, we had almost everyone as we rented a house on a beach in Charleston. I am sorry that one nephew and his family won't be joining us, nor will another nephew's girlfriend. But, we are excited to have the future inlaws of my son and daughter coming to Tennessee. All together, we plan to visit with a total of 29 guests  . . . so THAT is what I am thankful for.

I've been busy cookin' up some good vittles all week! We've got our fancy eatin' table, for twelve, and we even got one new pot passer for the occasion. Plus, we will be using the dining room table and the kitchen table. My husband ran over a litter of fresh possum, so we don't even have to pick up dead ones from the road to cook for our possum stew; that's illegal in the state of Tennessee, anyway. Gee. I hope that possum isn't part of Jeff Session's family.

Since this is part of Music Monday Moves Me, I guess I have to post at least one song about Thanksgiving, so here goes!

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Kim (The ReInVintaged Life) said...

Roadkill? Mmmm mmm. Finally someone gets it!

But seriously, you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 29 people? That is just insane! Hope they like possum!!!

As for me, I'm having a brunch of spiral sliced ham and egg on King's Hawaiian Bread with sides of mashed potatoes, dressing, and plenty of other carbs. I mean, veggies. I work a double the night before, 5-midnight Thanksgiving, and then 9:30-3 the next day. It'll only be my sons, girlfriend of one son, and myself. I'm not even trying this year.

Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life

XmasDolly said...

The Beverly Hillbillies oh how I remember them the kids loved them a little too much that I had to find something else for them to watch because they were picking up too many bad habits ~snicker~! Oh wow, Possum? What does that taste like? hmmm always wondered about that. hmmm Saturday Night live sometimes their skits just go right over my head in humor! Your Thanksgiving posts are a great idea. I'm thankful for friends like you with such great humor. That tune had hubby laughing up a storm. Thank you my friend and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Big hugs.

Binky said...

It's nice to be able to continue a family tradition like that and have almost everyone show up. I'm not sure about the possum stew, though. They're my cousins!

John Holton said...

Don't forget the pot passers! Have a good Thanksgiving!

Rhonda Albom said...

Wow, that is one big meal you are preparing. Sounds like a wonderful family get together. I do miss it this time of year. Unrelated the SNL video won't play in New Zealand.

Mary B said...

Possum you say? Plan an extra plate for me! I'd be happy to run over more on my way there.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal. Sure sounds like a great time.

Jingle Jangle Jungle

messymimi said...

Sounds like you are all set on the traditional 'possum stew! My hope is that you will all have a wonderful time and a very happy Thanksgiving.

Cathy Kennedy said...


Har-Har-HA-HA! You killed me with this post - so funny! You brought back some fun memories with The Beverly HIllbillies eatin' at the fancy dinner table. That was such a great show. It sounds like y'all are going to have you house full. Have a joyful time and God bless! Thanks for the dance!

bookworm said...

That is one huge Thanksgiving. My husband, who comes from a larger family than I do, commonly had 15 people at his childhood Thanksgiving, and thought that was big. And to top it off with Kate McKinnon's Jeff Sessions. SNL has some of the best political satire around. I hope you have a merry (and not too exhausting) Thanksgiving. And if you want quiet, come to our home - we'll only have 5 people! Alana

Stacy Uncorked said...

You crack me up, Joyce! But I bet fresh possum is much better than ones that have been on the road for a while. ;) 29 people?! The most I've ever hosted was 15 and that was crazy (fun). They weren't even immediate family, because that was when we lived in PA and my family is in WA - too bad our family is still not close, we haven't had a big fun group for Thanksgiving since moving back to WA. But our little family still had a blast, and I cooked my heart out because I love it! :) Love your choices for this week - looking forward to reading all about your awesome Thanksgiving! :)

mail4rosey said...

Passing on the o'possum, but I hope you had a wonderful dinner just the same. :)