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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, January 6, 2019

#MMMM Elvis Week

Our challenge this week is to play an Elvis tune and then to play a tune from the same era. Here is an Elvis tune. Enjoy that hunka, hunka, burning love!

For my first error song, here is Elvis, again.

Do you like my error songs? 
Here's another for the king.

Tee hee hee!


Cathy Kennedy said...


'Burning Love' I recall being played a lot toward the end of Elvis' life but it released in 1973, so I'm not sure why I don't remember that. I'm sure I just forgot is all. Elvis Costello can be rather odd sometimes. 'Everyday I Write The Book' video is interesting and fun. I don't know the backstory to this song but the actors in it sure are excellent copycats for Di & Charles. Unfortunately, you're right Elvis Presley while the King of Rock n Roll certainly had his share of pain with his addictions. It's still a bit sad thinking that his life was cut short, just Michael Jackson and so many others. Have boogietastic week and new year! It's great having you on the dance floor, my friend!

csuhpat1 said...

Loved how you did it. Very cool and with cool songs.

Binky said...

Is Elvis Costello the son of Elvis Presley and Lou Costello?

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy Birthday ElvisP although I prefer the other Elvis!

Colette S said...

You definitely got the theme.
I'd have to copy and search lol.
Thanks for rocking.

Glenda Cates said...

I do like Hunka Hunka Burnin Love and I need to listen to Elvis Costello and share his music with my son. Because I don't think he has ever heard of this Elvis and his Music.

messymimi said...

Heeheehee! A love of Elvis and a sense of humor are both indispensable.

XmasDolly said...

Okay, just goin' over some comments here and I cannot tell if I left a message here. I thought I did. Well, love all your choices girlfriend and thanks so much for playin along... WHAT? PLAYIN? NO NO NO ROCKIN & ROLLIN' ALONG WITH US! Have a great day! Big Ol' Hugs...

bookworm said...

Three Elvises are better than one, for sure! (all this needed, then, was that figure skater Elvis somebody who made a splash - well, maybe not a splash - some years ago and haven't heard of since. Anyway...I hadn't even thought of Hunka Burning Love. Loved to hear it again! Happy New Year to you, and that's no mistake. Alana

Stacy Uncorked said...

LOVE your take on the theme! Excellent choices, Joyce! :) Thanks for the dance!