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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Shadow or Spring

Groundhog Day is right around the corner and legend asks, "Will he see his shadow?" If the groundhog sees his shadow, he gets scared and runs back into his hole in the ground, giving us six more weeks of winter. I don't believe in groundhog forecasts, but it's a fun media stunt. . . well maybe not so fun for the poor scared creature that is surrounded by the camera crews.

This week's musical challenge is to find songs with "shadow" in them. An obvious one, from my childhood, comes to my mind. I'm sure others in our group will think of this one, too, but here goes Cat Stevens with "Moon Shadow."

In looking for "Moon Shadow," I had a choice on what to post. I could post a blurry tape, words on a moon, Spanish subtitles blocking the picture, or the whole dang concert with Moon Shadow being the first song. I chose the whole dang concert but only listened to the first song. Hopefully Cat Stevens doesn't do anything horrific later on, but I wouldn't know.

Whether the groundhog sees his shadow or not, spring will still get here, so I'd like to show you my newest spring product. Spring Primary Activities is now available for sale at Catch My Products!

When spring is right around the corner, and you have nothing fun and challenging for your class, here is just what you need. Your kids will have a lot of fun with this Spring Activity Pack! This resources is especially good for your gifted and talented primary students or early finishers.
Inside you'll find:
•FIVE spring themed logic puzzles
Four Leaf Clover Hunt
March Winds
The Rainy Season
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Bunny's Helpers
•THREE spring Sudoku puzzles
•ONE spring letter jumble
•TWO spring writing prompts
April Fools Day Joke
Earth Day
•COMPLETE answer key
Logic puzzles involve higher level, critical thinking skills, and are great for early finishers, for use in centers, or even to reward students with a fun and engaging activity. Students may complete these problems independently or in cooperative groups.


messymimi said...

Those weather prognostication days of legend, and there were many more than just groundhog day, were people's way of trying to predict what is still often unpredictable. They are fun to celebrate anyway.

Mary B said...

Excellent choice for today. I had completely forgotten about this song.

Cathy Kennedy said...


The good mews is spring still arrives in 6-weeks regardless of what the weather does or doesn't do. I for one can't wait for spring to get here as I've had enough winter. It's currently 13.6º. The temp fell a couple of degrees colder than forecast. It's so BRRR cold! I'm ready to pack my bags and head to Florida. :D Thanks for boogieing with the 4M gang on the dance floor, my friend. Keep warm!

Binky said...

Spring looks far off from here. We go a ton of snow and freezing temperatures. I think it'd be warmer on the moon.

csuhpat1 said...

We both picked Cat Stevens MoonShadow. I think that we are pretty smart.

XmasDolly said...

Oh my gosh, I forgot all about this song myself. It's one of my favorites too. Moon Shadow just has one of those beats that you just go along with in the car and you just know every word & sway back & forth. I love his voice too... it's just... just different. I'm glad you chose the whole dang thing too! ~hehehe~ Have a great day & if there were prizes you would win girlfriend! Great job... YOU ROCK!

Cathy Keisha said...

TW used to have such a crush on young Cat Stevens. If we have time this week, we may watch the entire concert.

bookworm said...

You brought me up short. How could I not have realized (living in the Northeast United States) that Groundhog day is Saturday? Guess I'm really out of it. So...Cat Stevens. Yes. I remember him so well from my college days (early 1970's) and listening to the Teaser and the Firecat album with friends. Alana

Stacy Uncorked said...

Great choice, Joyce! I really enjoyed that! :) We've been having a really mild winter here in the Pacific Northwest - I have a feeling the groundhog may be predicting an early spring this year. ;) Thanks for the dance - hope you're having a great weekend!

Tanza Erlambang said...

nice song