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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Music in Our Schools

This week's theme is music in our schools or educational music. With that in mind, I want to post one of my favorite educational songs. It's great for high school kids and has a fun beat!

I also want to tell you about a new product that I recently posted on TpT. 

I love to write, and more importantly, I love to share my writing. This story was especially fun to write because of its strong "ick factor." I shared it with my class, and most of them loved hearing the details of yellow fever (those that didn't were grossed out). It was quite a disease when it wiped out one-third of the Memphis population by claiming 200 people a day. That's pretty awful considering another third of the population skipped out of town. Memphis lost so many people that she was no longer considered a city but rather a taxing district to Nashville. Do you want to read all about it? If so, I'll drop a link for you to follow my TpT store. Send me an email, and I will GIVE it to my followers. Afterall, I LOVE my followers!
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Here is a students' presentation on the black death and yellow fever. Kids get so creative  in projects these days.


mail4rosey said...

Teaching is fun. It is the most busy, yet most peaceful/relaxing job I've ever had and I absolutely love it! I haven't thought to tell my fellow teachers about your TPT, but I know some of them love the sight, so I'm happy to pass on the link and a recommendation!

CAAC said...


The 'Glucose Song' I stumbled on a while back which is a great but 'Black Death vs Yellow Fever' is new-to-me. This really needs to circulate because you hear about all these foreign strains of the flu going around and you gotta wonder if people exercised good hygiene and used common sense then the spread of germs would be minimal. We wouldn't have near the people sick or scary bad stuff being passed around. Excellent selections for this week's theme. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang. Have a boogietastic week!

csuhpat1 said...

I need to look at your TPT. I need to learn how it works and put some of my stuff on there.

Great songs.

John Holton said...

The glucose song was the best repurposing the The Archies' "Sugar Sugar" I've heard.

I've been vaccinated for yellow fever, by the way; it was required to get my visa for The Philippines. I didn't go, as it turned out, but I've been vaccinated.

Cathy Keisha said...

HAH! Love that spoof of Sugar Sugar.

Mary B said...

Great song! I certainly learned from it.

Binky said...

I remember those old Schoolhouse Rock songs which were pretty catchy.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Oh, we loved the sugar song❤ Purrfect choices😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday🐾😚😻

bookworm said...

As one of the You Tube commenters said on the Black Death rap, it was epic. It was so well done. The lyrics, the rapping, the makeup on those two boys! I remember The Glucose Song from several years ago - not sure when this parody was done, but I will age myself by saying I loved the Archie's Sugar Sugar when it came out, along with other "bubblegum" songs. Alana

Stacy Uncorked said...

That was a fun song, Joyce!

You know, when I was in high school, I had a *terrible* history teacher - she didn't instigate any desire to learn, so I didn't retain a lot of historical stuff. But now that I'm older, I *love* history, and absorb any historical stuff like a sponge! Your Yellow Fever Epidemic story sounds intriguing! :)

Thanks for the dance! Hope you're having a great weekend!