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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dollar Deals are Here with Great Music, Too

Dollar Deals

There is nothing more difficult than being in a classroom right before Christmas except being in a classroom right before summer break! Let's face it. All kids are nuts, right now, and teacher are becoming crazy, too! So to make life easier for teachers, I am participating in TWO dollar deals on TpT.

#happyholideals takes place today and tomorrow. Just visit Teachers Pay Teachers and search #happyholideals or click:

My next group has a secret code and the sale starts, tomorrow. Just click on the link below!

I assume most of you only have a week or less until break. If it's more than that, your school board will probably be visited by ghosts because that's cruel!

Musical Monday Moves Me

Now, it's time to rock on with another group of fun bloggers who post music every Monday! This month's theme is Christmas music, which can sometimes be tough on a Jewish gal who doesn't celebrate Christmas. However, I always told my kids that when you go to a birthday party, it's not YOUR birthday. Same with a Christmas party. Nothing wrong with wishing a Merry Christmas for those who celebrate. I'll post my Chanukah music next Monday, since December 22 is the first night of Hanukkah. (Notice the change of spelling? It doesn't matter!)

Merry Christmas!

Did you know you can watch a fire and listen to music continuously on a YouTube station? You can comment on the song played, but it will probably be a different one for each of you because this is like a radio station that plays live all the time. Pretty cool. Enjoy your holiday! 


XmasDolly said...

Yes, I've heard of those all-day Christmas Music for sure! 93.9 has that too where I live. So cool when you ride in the car. Well, a very nice girlfriend. Have a great day... MERRY CHRISTMAS!

CAAC said...


What beautiful mewsic for the holiday season and the fireplace is a purrfect accompanying video to go with such peacefulness! Have a joyful and blessed holiday, my furriend, and thanks for joining the 4M gang on the dance floor. :)

Binky said...

Happy Hanukkah/Holidays/Christmas!

bookworm said...

When I grew up in New York City one of our local stations (channel 11?) had a three hour Yule Log special every Christmas Eve. The log, I think, was filmed at Gracie Mansion, where the Mayor lived (and still does) and they would play instrumental music over a loop of the log burning and burning, and burning..... I'm Jewish, too, but my family loved watching the Yule Log. So relaxing. I had no idea these kind of You Tube channels like the one you featured even existed. Alana