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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Silly Sunday: Erca & Wilberfoss Reports


Since you asked, here is the story behind Wilberfoss' name. Daniel's been calling Erica "Erca" for years, and he also named Judy "Mirum." When we visited Charleston for his graduation, one of his friends was confused. She thought Daniel had four sisters.

Friday, November 25, 2011

I Hate Delta Airlines

Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
My daughter had a flight on Delta this Thanksgiving Holiday. She started by sitting on the runaway for an hour or more because of weather. I'm not sure what sort of weather threatened Orlando, Florida, but my guess would be a winter storm system blowing blizzard like conditions through the sunshine state.
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
By the time she arrived in Atlanta, her connections to Baltimore had finished loading and under penalty of law--NO PASSENGERS SHALT BE ALLOWED TO BOARD. Fear not, a flight to Knoxville prepared to take off, and we'd be passing through that city in thirty minutes. The nice man at the ticket counter plugged the changed flight arrangements into his computer and printed her a lovely paper that he signed. "Just take this to the Knoxville gate and board."
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
 Lying snakes! After lugging her luggage (I guess that's why it's called luggage) through the delightful Atlanta airport, the nameless clerk–Judith Campbell– would not let my daughter onto the plane. She snarled at her as she said, "He's not authorized to change your flight." Mind you, she's not authorized to be a clerk! Instead of simply letting her on a plane,  Dumb Delta paid to put an eighteen year old in a hotel by herself, give her a voucher for breakfast, and make her get up at an unGodly hour to board an early flight--that also sat on the runway due to mechanical problems. Finally they allowed the plane to take off–NOT! Apparently the radio malfunctioned, so they stopped the take off to turn around and get it fixed.
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
I spoke to the Delta folks and told them, she needs the price of her ticket refunded. The "nice" lady told me the only way to get the money back is to send her back to Orlando. She offered me a whopping $150 voucher. Wow! One-hundred, fifty whole dollars! Delta sucks! Unfortunately to use the voucher one has to get back on one of those *&;#% planes.
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
 So tell me, what is your horror stories about Delta? I'm sure you have plenty since they mess up everybody's travel plans.
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,

Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
For more information about the world's worst airline visit
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Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
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Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
 Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
And there's more. 
 Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
You can follow!/deltasucks on Twitter
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, 
You can join a Facebook Page at
In fact, if you Google "Delta Sucks" you will receive 
 Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
7,450,000 results
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
I mean really? Would you want to fly on an airline with that much bad publicity,
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Vegetarian

Chicken is not a vegetable, is it?

Here's a short clip from My Big, Fat Greek Wedding.
Have a great Thanksgiving! If you're a vegetarian, I'm sorry.