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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, August 14, 2011

#GBE2: Scorned Blogger Breaks Trust After 40 Years

When I was in fifth grade, my best friend Kate was quite beautiful and as a result, just about every fellow in class had a crush on her. Being her best friend, the boys assumed I knew which lucky guy she liked back. I did. She had indeed trusted me with this secret and I promised I wouldn't tell.

Shortly after that, the boys attacked me on the playground and pinned my arm behind my back in an attempt to get me to reveal her secret. I still did not tell. So imagine the horror I felt when Kate had another secret, but said, "I'm not going to tell you because you'll tell everyone."

I was mortified! How dare her! Although they tortured me, I kept her trust. Now that approximately forty years have gone by, and Kate disappeared never to show up at a high school reunion, I owe it to her to break that trust and tell ALL of you bloggy friends Kate's secret. Ha, ha, ha!

Famous Fish!

Kate liked Fish. If you don't know who Fish is, rent the movie Fargo and watch the airport scene. Our dear classmate grew up to be an actor and he is the fellow working the airport toll booth when the criminal drives through. I was so thankful Fish didn't get shot because that dude in the car was crazy! I understand Fish is in a new movie called Mayor Cupcake. I must rent it. As for who Kate is: I haven't seen her in any movies, but I'll let you know when I do.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sea Shells

This week on Writer's Post, we were given a picture prompt and the word "nascent;" so, here is a story to show how I left the place I love and my boring existence began.

Plus "nascent"

From my wooden prison, I remember the day that demon child snatched me off the soft, white sands of the beach. With a tight squeeze, he almost cracked me. “Mommy! Look!” he said. The Coppertone-scented lady barely nodded. She didn’t even notice my bronze color, perfect arch, or straight ridges gently curving to a rounded end. I yearn for the sun, breeze, and massaging ocean waves. Even those pesky seagulls constantly flipping me over in their relentless hunt for scallops were better than being stuck in a drawer with a taciturn Brown Recluse who's as boring as a hermit crab. Nascent means beginning to show signs of future potential. Now I have the potential to make this kid cool when he shows me off. Big whoop!

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

#GBE2 - How We Met

picture prompt - GBE2

Does anyone remember Hands Across America Day? On May 25, 1986, Americans from New York to California held hands in an attempt to form an unbroken human chain across the country. Although the link broke in the desert, my husband and I formed our own bond, and we're still hitched over twenty-five years later.

Here's how we met:

Martin, an Orthodox Jew started a photo dating service and threw extravagant parties complete with farm animals in hotel ballrooms and his wife hanging from a cooking skewer--anything for a laugh.

Singles submitted photographs then chose dates from his dining room table. On my first visit to Martin's home, a cute guy sat across from me, so I boldly slid my picture in front of him.

Shortly after that, Martin spoke to this young man then asked me in private if I wanted to go out with him. When I gave a strong, "Yes," he opened the door and immediately embarrassed me by sharing my answer. But that's okay, Handsome called, we went out, and here we are old but still together.

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