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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Friday, September 16, 2011

Writer's Post: Serenity

For this week's Writer's Post, Jenn has posted the above picture and asked us to use the word "serenity" in our blogs.

Serenity - The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

This is just the case for bikes! Just ask my brother and sister about French Lick, Indiana, and they'll tell you how serene bike riding is. Unfortunately, they veered onto the rocky horse trail instead of the bike path, which was fine until a rider yelled, "Giddy Up." A broken collar bone for bro and cast-covered leg for sis, and we were headed home. Daggumit! They cut our vacation short. So in their honor, here's their favorite song–NOT.

A few years later, I learned how to ride a bike and almost lost my life too. Remember, bike riding equals serenity. While zooming down a hill, I peddled at high speed. Upon reaching bottom, I found myself rolling head first into a car. Right when I was ready to collide (without a helmet since we didn't know any better back then), some invisible person grabbed my bike handles and steered me out of the way. I guess I wasn't meant to die at age seven.

As an adult, I bought a ten-speed racing bike and rode back into the serene experience of bike riding. I even competed in several triathelons. After all, there is nothing like the serene feel of skirting past traffic on busy streets. Not to mention the butt aches.

Recently, the only thing serene is the bike itself. It's gathering dust in our garage. Perhaps it's time to dust off the bike, fill the tires, and go for a "serene" bike ride.

If you like, please click the fence. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

#WordlessWednesday: What have they done to their dogs?

Camel Dog

Legalized Animal Abuse
Feeling Groovy
The Panda Dog is the most popular in China.
He's so gerrrr
Giddy-up Doggy
No pinching of this pooch on St. Patty's Day
Camel Dog
What are you looking at?

Monday, September 12, 2011

#GBE2: The Blog–One Year Ago

One Year Ago
One year ago, I'll bet you had never heard of "Catch My Words." Although I started this blog in July of 2009, my posts were infrequent and ignored. In reality, my blog didn't actually take off until the A-Z Challenge in April 2011. Last year at this time, I'd received under three-hundred hits total and had as many followers as I could count on one hand.

I also posted sporadically. Looking back to last year, I had posted once in August and once in September. The September post, an editor's writing contest, received zero comments. After that, I didn't post anything until November–Colonoscopy This too received zero comments, even though it used a slight bit of humor. If no one reads my post, is it still funny?

Now I post about three to four times a week and get over 200 hits each day. My latest stats show 8,791 hits in August, which was more than I received in 2009 and 2010 combined. One day in August, I received a record number of hits: 529. Since then, I've broken 400 many times.

Click here to learn more.

My traffic just about doubled once I joined Entrecard. If you're not a member, you should check it out!

And of course I love votes on the Picket Fence. Thanks!