This week, I've had a schedule change. Instead of teaching full time at an elementary school, I'm now a traveling teacher with two days at the elementary school and three days in a middle school. It's been a wonderful change of pace, and I'm enjoying my time at the new school; however, walking down hormone filled halls reminds me of some funny situations from my past.
Years ago, an older teacher repeatedly called on a kid in the back of the room who held his hand up, but he refused to answer and would not put down his hand. Finally, after she became aggravated with the lone hand raiser, a child said, "Ms. R., that's the overhead projector."

Then there's the story of the seventh grade teacher who stood at the doorway to her classroom, tapped each boy on the shoulder, and said, "Jacket off." It's no surprise that every tween boy put his coat on just so he could hear the teacher say, "Jacket off."
Gotta LOVE middle school!
LOL! It's a good thing teachers of middle-schoolers get some great laughs, because kids that age sure can be royal pains in the hiney.
LOL! Oh my goodness...
LMAO kids are very quick aren't they especially with that sort of humour :-)
It's all a blur to me those years. That must mean something ....::)
That's hilarious and so typical.
The balls one is hilarious!
I guess it hasn't improved much.
Totally relating, it doesn't change much in high school either. ;)
The boys in my family still make balls jokes and believe me none of them are anywhere near middle school or high school or even college age! some jokes are just ageless, I hope.
Joyce this is hilarious! I heard from a friend that the toughest level to teach is middle school, that kids really don't learn so much at this stage.
Are you enjoying your classes in middle school?
I don't teach in the middle school. I'm a support person who completes special ed paper work, meets with parents, and monitors the kids' success. I actually got a girl who was having difficulty in math to show up at a tutoring session. I'm in the classroom, but I counsel individuals, not teach them.
Hahahah.. fun to imagine the boys reactions to the loud bouncing balls!
Lovely post!
Of course, that's the best part of the song. :)
Great stories, especially the hold your balls, Happy SS a bit late.
lol. love the balls.
My mother was a high school teacher, although she had at one time taught "junior high," as it was called back then, and she always said she didn't like that in-between, wiggly, distracted age. However, a friend of hers (in the l930s - can you believe that?) said she liked teaching 7th and 8th grade because the kids were so lively and enthusiastic and interested in everything - they hadn't become blase yet. (My mother also preferred high school over primary school because you didn't have to take the kids to the bathroom or help them on with their coats and overshoes!)
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