This post is underwritten by our partner Dog Fence DIY, the most affordable
resource for wireless dog fencing.
I feel sorry for petless people who have never experienced the joys of dog ownership. I've owned at least one pooch since age seven and cannot imagine life without a furry friend to help me with my emotional needs, physical well-being, and safety.
As for emotional health, dogs provide us with unconditional love unlike any other. Imagine locking your spouse at home every day without a means to leave the house. Yes, you provided a water bowl, but you left the bathroom doors locked. "Just hold it until I'm back, Dear." Would your significant other jump up and down when you simply walked through the door? Well, if he or she had to go badly enough, there'd be jumping but not the glad to see you because I love you excitement.

Or try feeding your kids the same meal out of a bag every day for breakfast and dinner. Would they be thankful just to see food? It sure would be easier than cooking, but they wouldn't appreciate it like your dog does. You eat your Thanksgiving meal complete with pumpkin pie in front of your dogs without offering them a bite, yet they still love you. My human family members would never be forgiving or loving like my dogs in these situations.
No one needs to dress up, wear expensive scents, shave, or even shower; dog love no matter what. And in a world like this, we need all the unconditional love we can get. With a dog, you'll never be alone, even when you use the toilet or shower. When I walk through the house, my dogs parade behind me as if I'm the most important person in the world. To them, I am.

Dogs provide great entertainment too. Dress them up in stupid costumes on Halloween and they won't complain. They make fabulous subjects for kids' school projects too. What would my kids have done about science fair if they didn't have animals to experiment on? FYI, a dog's hair grows faster than a kid's after being shaved; dogs prefer rain water to Evian; and golden retrievers do not forget where treats are hidden hours later. Also, tail hairs make great fox fur on Social Studies posters.

Dogs also improve our health. Studies have shown petting dogs lowers blood pressure and decreases anxiety. My dog has been wonderful for my back. I have a history of back problems including a surgery on my lowest disc. My small dog sleeps with her back to mine. This provides a convenient heating pad that improves my back aches in the morning. No kidding! Plus, a walk at the dog park helps my back too. How could I ever go to the dog park without a dog? Not to mention the exercise I get from my golden retriever asking me to let her outside, bring her back in, let her out again, etc. I'm up and down plenty.

On another note, dogs protect us from fierce squirrels, cats, and mailmen attacks. We often hear our vicious alarm system in stereo, but it beats calling the police after a break in.
Dogs are the best friends anyone could have, so you want to protect them from being struck by cars. Check out my sponsor to learn more about invisible fences.
I have my first dog ever, and feel absolutely blessed -- because of allergies, I never thought I'd own a dog, ever. And my son has allergies. But we researched and took a chance on a pure bred mini poodle. And we don't sneeze! I can kiss him all over! He's the best thing for me and my kids. Absolutely a gift.
I miss having a dog so much. Since mine passed away, I haven't been able to bring myself to get a new one (and it's been 5 years). I think I am going to wait till my kids are older, but I do agree that invisible fences are a great tool in keeping them safe.
I can't imagine life without a dog, Joyce! They bring so much joy and crazy into our life! :)
We had the dog before the kids. Our golden was great with our babies. Don't wait. Your kids are old enough, and they would love having a dog! Plus, it will bring a peace of mind to you too.
They truly are!
Me too. :)
I've kind of wanted a cat. But I'm allergic to their fur. My parents have a dog and so does my brother. I'm allergic to dog slobber so any licking makes my skin break out.
I understand when people tell me they're afraid of dogs, but I'm always befuddled if someone says they don't like dogs.
I read a quote once: "If you've never loved a dog, a part of your heart has never opened..."
So so true.
Nice post. I totally agree about the back back is ALWAYS better with the daily walks!
Dogs are such amazing creatures! We don't have one at the present time, just a cat. But, there are three dogs living next door and I go pat them when I need my fix. :)
Great post!
Nicely put, we had a dog Tessie when we were growing up for some reason she always used to snap at my brother it was so weird but hilarious, she used to bring us all breakfast in bed every morning...(OK that last bit was a blatant lie), they are great companions.
Have a doggietastic day :-)
Cute, cute, cute! Did I mention "cute"? My dog died three years ago and I haven't been able to face getting another one. You are making me want to, though...
OMG I love my dogs! Can't imagine life without them....
We travel too much to have a pet, it's not really fair to the animal.
I don't have a dog, but I love them. I always interact with my friends' and neighbors' dogs.
Dogs and cats are great, but some people just aren't animal lovers.
Great post! I am a huge dog lover too and can't imagine how empty the house would feel without one running around!
We always, always had a dog growing up, and they always lived to be 15+ years. I was more sad to leave my dog when I grew up and left home than I was to leave home, lol!! No kidding. :)
This is a good post. We've never used the electric fences (we don't have a pet now, except my little one's fish) but my in-laws use one and they love it. I think it's great because the dogs get to run around outside all day without any worries for their safety.
Glad to connect with a fellow dog lover!! Thanks for sharing! Yep, petting a dog releases endorphins. Thanks for sharing!
I'm a big dog person, and you're right, they do make a difference! :)
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