This post is underwritten by our partner Dog Fence DIY, the most affordable
resource for wireless dog fencing.
I feel sorry for petless people who have never experienced the joys of dog ownership. I've owned at least one pooch since age seven and cannot imagine life without a furry friend to help me with my emotional needs, physical well-being, and safety.
As for emotional health, dogs provide us with unconditional love unlike any other. Imagine locking your spouse at home every day without a means to leave the house. Yes, you provided a water bowl, but you left the bathroom doors locked. "Just hold it until I'm back, Dear." Would your significant other jump up and down when you simply walked through the door? Well, if he or she had to go badly enough, there'd be jumping but not the glad to see you because I love you excitement.

No one needs to dress up, wear expensive scents, shave, or even shower; dog love no matter what. And in a world like this, we need all the unconditional love we can get. With a dog, you'll never be alone, even when you use the toilet or shower. When I walk through the house, my dogs parade behind me as if I'm the most important person in the world. To them, I am.

Dogs are the best friends anyone could have, so you want to protect them from being struck by cars. Check out my sponsor to learn more about invisible fences.