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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Doggy Love

Recognize anyone in the photo? Both are models for this blog.
I wish the kids got along as well as the dogs.


Binky said...

A golden group!

Christina Morley said...

Aw! So, the kids don't get along that well? There was a bumpy patch between my two teenage daughters, but now they are quite close. One rule in my home is that we always treat each other the way we want to be treated, so no mean words and sometimes they have to say sorry. Even if the words aren't harsh, the attitude in how something was said is also important. I was verbally abused by my older brother while I was growing up. He's very kind now, but he had issues back then. I didn't want that for my kids, and by setting the rules early on, I've watched them grow into being loving individuals and supportive of each other. In case you didn't know, I have 3 teenagers (1 son in university, 2 daughters at high school) and my youngest, Amanda, in grade 1. :)

Catch My Words said...

My kids are all adults: 26, 24, and 22. They get along well enough for our short visits, but we don't see them sleeping next to each other on the couch like the dogs do. They also don't lick each other's faces.

Dee Dee said...

LOL! I would love to sleep on the sofa with your dogs! They look sweet and warm!

mail4rosey said...

lol I bet the kids are glad they don't lick each other's faces, ahhaha

Ingrid said...

How sweet !

stevebethere said...

Aww! aren't they cute all together heheh! & LOL @ your comment above Joyce

Have a doggytastic week :-)

Rhonda Albom said...

Beautiful dogs.

Anonymous said...

Aww looks cozy in there! I love their friendship! Our dogs at home is not this friendly to each other.

Kristi Maloney said...

Awe, they look so cozy and warm. What a great photo. My son would snuggle up right in the middle with me.

Beth F said...

Three dog night.

Masshole Mommy said...

Awww, they are too cute.

messymimi said...

Beautiful, and i see they have taken over the furniture, as any dog will do if given a chance.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I audibly "awwwwwwed" at this :-)

Susan Demeter said...

Awwww they love each other :) And look very cosy!

Ms POSH said...

My dogs like to do that kind of cuddling too. It's cute. Posh

Kristin Aquariann said...

Adorable! ^.^

LA Botchar said...

awwww so cute!!
there are rare... very rare... moments when my kids will cuddle like this. Usually they are more distracted by the awesome of the Lego Movie, rather than that they might actually be physically close to a sibling. :)

Cascia Talbert said...

Cute dogs!