Hey! This first one mentions the "School Yard."
And this next one starts with "all the crap I learned in high school." I like the songs with the words attached because when I was young, I thought he didn't want Mama to take his "fro-comb" away! Well, Garfunkel needed one.
And here's the song my brother graduated high school to. It's not Simon and Garfunkel, but we were listening to this Beatles song around the same time. Plus, Paul McCartney was and still is a looker, even as an old man.
Since the theme is school, here's one that's right on target!
And I will end with a clip from every teacher's favorite parent.
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Your closing video had me laughing. Parents who complain about what they need to buy for their kids have no idea what a teacher endures in the classroom. That line about teachers not being able to hit kids broke me up and honestly while I would not want someone else hitting mine I do understand because sometimes you gotta spank a kid. It's just one of those necessary evils required to build character in our youth. I think part of the problem with some kids today is they did not get spanked. "Baby Got Class Back To School" is a fun video, too. I've seen this before and maybe right here. The family does a good job in it.
Thanks for sharing your school days mewsic picks with the 4M crew. Have a skooltastic day!
Got a good laugh out of that last one.
Have you ever heard the version of "The Long And Winding Road" from the "Let It Be... NAKED" album? It's even more beautiful than the Phil Spector one.
Haven't heard that one, John.
Actually Cathy, we NEVER spanked or hit our kids, and they were extremely well behaved at school. That's not to say we didn't punish them, we just did not use corporal punishment. We used to have other ways of discipline, such as time out, grounding, sitting on the love seat until they learned to love each other, and my favorite, "If you don't ________________, we won't let you brush your teeth." Ask any of their former teachers, my non-spanked kids were great!
Great songs. I loved the last one, too cool.
I'm sure your kids were wonderful. As you know all kids respond differently under the same circumstance. We used various measures of punishment as well leaving spankings as a last resort and many people told us that our kids were well-behaved. They really were, too. I don't credit it to anything in particular that we did as much as I do the good Lord. He gave us exceptional children. You know the ole saying, that God won't give you more than you handle. This is very true. :)
The music is great, that mother is amazing! After home educating mine as long as i did, i still buy supplies for my college students in gratitude for not having to teach them any more!
Great songs! You can't go too far wrong with Simon and Garfunkel. You're fro-comb comment had me busting a gut! Too funny! Thanks for playing today!
Well, where do I start? A lover of Simon and Garfunkel, together or apart, the first two songs were both favs. I haven't heard this particular "Baby Got Back" parody - isn't that song just ripe for parody? There's one called "Baby got Books" that might fit into a school meme. As for the last video, glad my son's an adult now - that's all I'll say about that! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
HILARIOUS! That One Funny Mama video is a riot! I needed that laugh so thank YOU!
The "Baby Got Class Back to School" video was really fun too.
Great songs too. I love Kodachrome! I remember when that came out and it was on the radio all the time. Great song!
And the Beatles Long & Winding Road is quite the song to graduate to!
I enjoyed all your picks.
Have a great week,
Michele at Angels Bark
You forgot the best one: Supertramp's School!
Girlfriend, you have rocked the house! Love the "Baby's got class" made me laugh. The last one was definitely a hoot! Love Paul McCartney... hmmm I always wondered why did Simon & Garfunkel break up... Anyway you did a great job my friend... YOU ROCK!
I forgot all about the Simon and Garfunkel song, well done!
You have made some very cool selections here! Very creative!
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