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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Middle of the Observation Lesson

The Observation Continues

If you missed the post on the beginning of the evaluation lesson, you can find it here: Starting Your Observation Lesson

Now, that we've looked at the start of our observation lesson, let's get to the meat of the matter, the actual teaching. Standard Release Teaching, TIMS, TEM, or Whatever - The name is constantly changing but the basic concept doesn't.

  • You must model what you are teaching. Call it "I do" or just say to the kids, "Watch this!" You may need to show them what to do once, twice, or even thrice depending upon your students.

Picture of a male model for teachers to model their lessons for kids.
This may not be the type of modeling I'm 
talking about, but I bet he got your attention.

  • Do the lesson with the whole group while having the kids help by talking you through it. Ask questions, such as, "What should I do next?"
  • I find this to be a good place to check for understanding and remind the kids of what they are learning . . . or better, yet, ask them to tell you. This can be something as basic as a thumbs up or fist or five. If the students are lost, they hold up a fist. If they understand the lesson well, five fingers indicates this. They could hold up 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers, dependent on their level of understanding; however, be careful. I've had kids watch their classmates for what to hold up. Some kids might be embarrassed to publicly admit that they do not understand the lesson. For this reason, you may want the kids to shut their eyes.

The FB like symbol for teachers to check for understanding while teaching

  • The third main step of the lesson is to have kids work with a classmate to complete the skill. Pairing could be with the next door neighbor or placing a partner who understands with someone who is lost. Administrators love this peer interaction, so be sure to include it.

Tune in next week to read about closing the lesson.

Also, if you haven't entered the teacher giveaway, today (Sunday) is the last day so head on over to the rafflecopter! Good luck!

If you need more details, click here: About the Giveaways

PreK -K:
Middle School:

Musical Monday Moves Me:

Did you like the male model above? If so, here is some more eye candy to the tune of Call Me Maybe. These hot hunks make the lyrics relevant! Hey, I may be married, but I'm not dead.

Since we discussed that students need to understand, here is a song by Shawn Mendes, Understand.


Linda Nelson @ Primary Inspiration said...

Good observation tips, Joyce ... and thanks for sharing the giveaway info!

c2hoff said...

Such a great giveaway! Thanks!

c2hoff said...

This is a wonderful giveaway!

SOL Train Learning said...

These resources are amazing! Thanks!

bookworm said...

Call Me Maybe is such a fun earwormish song, and I was not aware there was a male model version. Wow. Call me definitely! I just realized that all the teachers I know are retired, but I'm sure teachers all appreciate giveaways like yours. Alana

Unknown said...

really like the giveaway

XmasDolly said...

Girl, you got some rockin' songs today! oooooooo If I was about 20 or more yrs. younger. Dang! I didn't know the second tune, but it rocked. Great job & have a great week! hugs

CAAC said...


You're giving a teacher away? You said the teacher giveaway, right? lol Okay, I'm being silly.

That's a great idea (with eyes closed) on seeing how your kids understand the lesson. Kids are easily embarrassed if they aren't matching up with their peers. In college, I remember a professor saying there was never a stupid question except one that isn't asked. I hope younger kids are told this now but I also know younger kids are the worse for ridiculing their classmates. It's not until they (the bullies) step into the real world do these individuals realize how tough it is. By that time, their shame for poor behavior, eats at them a little, hopefully a lot. I've ranted enough on this subject, haven't I?

The young men in the Abercrombie & Fitch video are very lean. Just give them 15-20 years then lets see how fit they look. lol 'Call Me Maybe' is one of those annoying songs that you either love or hate, I like it! Shawn Mendes is crazy popular but his vocals don't quite suit my ear, not say he doesn't have some songs I sorta like. I prefer a more manly sounding voice.

We all have different taste when it comes to mewsic and I'm always happy to sample what others like, so thanks for sharing with us on the 4M dance floor, my friend. Have a boogietastic week, dearie!

Catch My Words said...

Cathy, I've also heard, "There is no such thing as a dumb question," but in reality there is! On a cruise ship, someone asked if the staff sleeps on the boat. Now, THAT is a dumb question. LOL!

Binky said...

I could model pi, but I'm not sure about fractions.

Cynthia J. Coleman said...

These are great tips, Joyce. Some would work well for blogging, also. I'm not a professional teacher, but have taught Sunday school. My mom is a retired special ed. teacher.
Boy, the Ambercrombie & Fitch video got this old single gal feeling mighty warm on a Winter's night! I didn't enjoy Justin Timberlake's video in the last post. I couldn't hear Justin over the beat boxing. I did like the Shawn Mendes video.
Ta-ta for now!