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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"
Showing posts with label #teachers #TPT #teacherspayteachers #education #iteach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #teachers #TPT #teacherspayteachers #education #iteach. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Teacher Help

Cartoon about social distancing
Ron Leishman's art reminds us
to keep six feet apart!
As COVID 19 sets in, some teachers have been asked to teach remotely. Wow! That sounds like quite a challenge. Furthermore, I was dis-hearted to learn about a Florida teacher who was expected to come in to work, with the entire staff, to train on how to teach from a distance. That sounds about as right as the carpet shower on television.

Another tough situation is the poorer school districts where the kids don't have computers to learn from. In our city, many of the kids receive free breakfast and lunch. Without school, there is fear that some kids could go hungry. Luckily our city is back on track to feed these homebound students. The program was put on jeopardy when a worker tested positive for the new Coronavirus.

free resource to teach kids how to solve logic puzzles
Kids LOVE logic puzzles!
To be helpful, I'm linking to my many free resources HERE. Whether you're a teacher trying to teach remotely or a parent who needs something for your kids to do, hopefully you can find something you need.

If you are looking for paid resources, I have plenty of those, too. My store has resources for everyone K - 12 in multiple subject areas. Recently, I've sold quite a few directed lessons in PowerPoint. With these you don't have to be a teacher to guide your kids. Here is a link to my PowerPoint Lessons. I only have 370, though.

                           Here's an inference lesson for 3rd - 5th graders.

Reading passages for middle school students about youtubers
High Interest Reading for Middle School Kids
Printables have been popular, too, especially my Reading Passages. But mostly, I want to give y'all a virtual (((hug))). One way or another, we will get through this! If there is anything you need for kids, feel free to email me at jlanskyATcomcastDOTcom. I'm ready to help!

Catch My Products
The Gifted Department Store

Monday Music Moves Me is About Walking

Since I live in Memphis, this is where I walk. Here's a song about it.

Here's another song about going for a walk. Ready to go with The Brady kids?

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Encourage Kids with Specific Messaging & Animal Music

Specific Praise

We all, most likely, grew up wanting to hear our parents and teachers tell us we were good, but maybe that was not the best thing to hear. What happened when the adults forgot to tell us that we were good? Did we automatically think we were bad? To be honest, I can't remember back that far, can you? Either way, ever wonder what "good" actually means? It's a rather nonspecific term, which means it's much better to zero in on the behavior you like in a kid and want to see, again.

article about how to praise kids in classroom and home
Art by Sarah Pecorino
As a teacher, this is where the specific praise can be helpful. Instead of telling the child, "You're so smart!" focus on the skill completed or the effort involved. "I can tell you worked hard to figure that out!"

Instead of saying, "You were good at recess, today," say, "I like the way you invited Charlotte to play with you. It must be tough for her being the new girl, but you made her feel welcome!"

These sorts of specific praises are great for teaching kids what you want to see them accomplish. And as we know, kids do better with praise than criticism.

But do you need to praise after everything they do? No. After all, if you constantly praise kids, the words lose their meaning. Save the praise for something special. Praise regularly but not the same praise every time they finish. After all, too much of a good thing can be bad.

Monday Music Moves Me is for the Animals!

First up is Maroon 5 with "Animals." I usually like to post the original video, but it was kinda gross, so here's the Saturday Night Live version.

Next up is a song I remember from elementary school, but certainly not this version of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."

Finally, I know I've posted this one before but it's good enough to post twice. Here is Harry Nilsson with "The Puppy Song." They are so cute!

Monday, December 9, 2019

How about a Little Christmas Math?

Seems like this time of year, all kids want to focus on is Christmas. With that in mind, we can adapt any subject to the holiday season. I find the easiest way to teach with a Christmas theme is with math word problems. You can take just about any word problem and adjust it to Christmas.

For example:

John visited the candy store. While there, he bought 8 Jolly Ranchers at 15¢ each, 6 packs of M&Ms at $1.25 each, and 3 packs of bubble gum at $1.45 each. If he handed the cashier a $20 bill, how much change did he get?

Abra Cadabra Chrismafy:

John visited the candy store to buy Christmas presents for his friends. While there, he bought 8 red or green Jolly Ranchers at 15¢ each, 6 packs of holiday M&Ms at $1.25 each, and 3 packs of Santa Bubble Gum at $1.45 each. If he handed the cashier a $20 bill, how much change did he get?

Want to know the answer?

If so, you need to sign up for my email and get a FREE Christmas math problems worksheet (on Wednesday) along with a lot more! . . . or hey, do the math!

Guess what! 

I have joined with some talented teacher-authors to give a few FABULOUS gifts for you this December. We all can use a little break this month, right? We gave you freebies in November along with a $400 giveaway. Now we are giving some of our best resources to you for ONLY $1.00! Many of these you won’t see at this price again.  We appreciate you and the hard work you do. Enjoy!

                                                     Dollar sales for teachers around Christmas season

Please click on the link to find all sorts of deals for only $1!

Here's what I have for only $1:
link to Dollar deal items for teachers

Want to find math word problems? Here's a link to a plethora of challenge for your kids!

Want to find lessons with a holiday theme?

Monday, October 7, 2019

October Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week is here and definitely a good thing to teach in the classroom. I'll never forget when my son came home from a fire assembly worried about being on the second floor of our house. We bought him a flexible ladder to keep by his window, and that helped him to sleep well. That ladder has never been used in over twenty years, but it still sits below his upstairs window. I'm just thankful he never used it to escape out of the house during his teenage years. At least we think he didn't . . .

My best year in teaching fire prevention was when we entered our city's video contest. My kids had a blast making a movie about fire prevention. It won a prize and was shown to the school, so it may be worthwhile for you to search the local fire department to see if any contests are in place. If they aren't, there is nothing wrong with putting on a skit for another class. The kids will love it and learn about staying safe, too.

Chicago Fire historical fiction story & questions

Also, find enough Fall Activities to keep your kids engaged and challenged throughout the month of October.

I send these posts to my mailing group; however, they get free resources along with the article. You can, too. Just join my group by clicking below!

Friday, September 6, 2019

New and Free

Just a quick note to let you know what's new and FREE!


Logic puzzles about Southwest Region


Just like my blog, I've started a writing series with my mail group. The difference is that my mail group gets FREE products with each mailing. Why not join us?

In joining, you will also receive a FREE No Prep Problem Solving Pack. 

Get free resources by clicking link.