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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, April 27, 2013

#AtoZ X for eXpelling Gas

My son summed it best in eight grade when he said, "When I was in sixth grade and someone farted, it wasn't funny, but now it's hilarious!"

What is it about eXpelling gas, a normal function of the human body, that make so many chuckle? The average person farts ten times a day. That's average. Of course statistically, one could find a range of 287, so to be accurate, wouldn't we need to know the mode and median too? For example, although the mean is ten, maybe most
people only fart nine times per day; however, the day of the count, Rush Limbaugh farted 264 times. Would he be considered an outlier or did he mess up the whole dang curve?

Is there an Institute of Fartology? If so, who works there?

"My name is Dr. Jones, and I count farts for a living." I bet he's the life of the party! A real gas if you know what I mean.

Furthermore, do these statistics count dead guys? A friend who's an undertaker told me that dead people constantly eXpel gas; however, this gas doesn't just exit from below. It could sneak out of a joint causing a sudden flip of a wrist or foot twitch. I wonder, does cadaver gas smell better, worse, or the same as living farts? I'll have to ask my friend. It just goes to show, we still have a lot of research to do in this scientific field.

Friday, April 26, 2013

#AtoZ: W for Word Verification

Please don't ask me to copy letters I can't read or blurry numbers. Also, I don't want to solve math problems. It's about time Math solved it's own problems and admitted that X left and is never coming back. I'm referring to the infamous captcha that makes me want to leave your blog and never return.

I once used word verification, but at the request of a regular commenter, I took it down. Since then, I've enjoyed an increase in blog comments. I do NOT get spam from a lack of word verification. If you're worried about spam, enact comment approval.

That's a Q, not an O
I hope my blog is easy to comment on. If it moves slowly, I can provide fewer posts on the main page or further clean up the side pictures. Do the fish at the bottom need to go? Did you even know my blog has fish?

Thanks for catching my words!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

#AtoZ: V for Very Special Blogs

I want to highlight three Very Special blogs that I visit regularly. is a fun place for online randomness. Steve, from London, posts funny jokes, stories, and cartoons regularly that always make me laugh. Please check him out.

I also visit Rhonda daily at Rhonda has traveled all over the world and entertains with amazing and humorous stories. She's worth a click.

Finally, Binky and friends make me laugh every Monday & Thursday. These adorable comics, complete with colorful artwork, give a peek into the world of wombats. Find him at:

I couldn't get through the week without a laugh from these Very Special blogs! Therefore, I am presenting the Very Special Blog award to these bloggers. The rules are to give this award to 87 others and write 98 facts about yourself. Just kidding! You don't have to do anything, but I'd love to know that you saw this post.