Catch My Products

Catch My Products
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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Win a pair of Tieks + $175 TpT Card + Amazon Gift Card

a photo of shoes and gift cards for the Back to School Giveaway.

Happy Back to School, 

Teachers ! It's that crazy, fun, hectic time of year again and our group of teacher-authors want to give one lucky teacher a chance to win some of the most colorful, comfy shoes around - a pair of Tieks! 
💰 BONUS: The winner will also receive a $175 Teachers Pay Teachers gift card 
$175 Amazon gift card to use in their classroom!
Click on the Rafflecopter link below to enter up to 66 times! The contest runs ‪from August 3rd-August 11th, 2019‬! The winner will be announced ‪on August 12th.‬ Best of luck! 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Teaching Days

I taught gifted and talented kids for thirty years, and in that time I had a lot of changes. My very first year of teaching was in a K-8 school.  I taught the kids with learning disabilities for most of the time, but my last hour of the day involved model building and fun with a pair of bright eighth graders. After that tough year, I was asked to move full time into the gifted program.

The Gifted Program

teaching gifted and talented.
My first few years, when young, I was teaching grades 1 - 4 at multiple schools. One year, I even had a different school every day. On Thursdays, I'd start at the elementary school and walk the grassy field to the middle school just before lunch. One day, my principal tells me to move out of my portable because a teacher from the middle school will be using it. I had to have everything out of the room before leaving the school. I darted around taking posters off the walls, boxing the little I had, and carrying it to my new classroom. Phew! I finished just in time and headed to the middle school where I was told that I'd be teaching out of a portable at the elementary school. I bet not many teachers can claim they moved out of a classroom for themself.

In the early years, we placed a lot of emphasis on teaching creativity and having fun. But, as the years progressed, the program evolved into academia. Eventually, the little ones were phased out with the end of our enrichment program, and I found myself enjoying third through sixth grade. However, with a full swing of the pendulum I eventually taught K - 5 with a repeated 9th grade sub job.

Math, Reading, & Historical Fiction

Depending upon the school, the subject emphasis varied. I've been at schools that tell me, "We need to up our math scores," while others want me to focus on reading. Social studies instruction through reading became important, too, since the testing did not involve social studies, so kids did not know about the past. So I wrote a lot of historical fiction stories. I've always loved writing and even have five unpublished novels. I've considered publishing one of my middle grade novel with questions on TpT. Although my novels aren't published, I have a plethora of historical fictions tales complete with vocabulary and comprehension questions. Reading Passages

Erica's Art, Art by Erica, Catch My Products

Teachers Pay Teachers

I recently attended the TpT conference, which was all about branding and finding a niche. With my experiences through the years, my store is like one big department store with an emphasis on challenge! I even have some of my daughter's clip art in my store. 

Since schools focused on the gradual release teaching method, that looks a lot like TIMs from my early years, my PowerPoint lessons are fit for evaluations. Memphis did a lot of pop in evaluations, for everyone, during my final teaching years, so my lessons were always made ready for the unexpected.

I'm excited about my newest bundle because it fills a need for those, like I was, vested into an entire gifted program with multiple grade levels. It seems like getting a discount only applied to one level, but not anymore. In fact my huge bundle is 50% off for the rest of the day, so hurry!

logic puzzles of multiple levels in one package

ghost tours, Memphis

            Ghost Tours

Now that I've put in my time teaching, I enjoy giving historical ghost tours for Historical Haunts in Memphis. I wear a Victorian dress and fix my hair as in the olden days. I feel like an actress as I deliver stories of murder and mayhem. If you are ever in Memphis, hop on my bus and join the tour!

Sign up for FREE Catch My Products Sampler Pack

#TpT, #TeachersPayTeachers, #iteach, #iteachgifted

Friday, July 19, 2019

Google Docs

I've recently learned that I can easily change my PowerPoints into Google Docs. I've set up a few and am offering to give one to you for free simple for signing up to my newsletter.

Take a look at what I have so far: Google Doc Products

easy to use docs on Google

Sign up for FREE Catch My Products Sampler Pack

Free resources for teaching.

Friday, July 12, 2019

TpT Conference Fun

I'm now leaving Austin after learning how to be a better seller. At the conference was a booth to write about what teachers know. I'm great at making strong plans for successful evaluations, so that what I did. You can watch me being goofy!

I had lots of fun and will be starting a monthly newsletter, too. I've never been a big fan of mailings to my box, so I promise to keep it short and not bombard you daily. Will you follow me?
Follow me through email.

If you follow me, I'll give you a FREE product as soon as I figure out how to work the monkey mailchimp. It's all so foreign to me, but I hear there are great YouTube tutorials.

Rock on!

I made and reconnected with wonderful people at the conference.

Sunshine and Lollipops with Catch My Products
My old friend Kathy.
Not that she's old, but I met her at the Orlando conference
and reconnected in Nashville and Austin.
picture of new friend and me
My new friend Terri and I got great help from the TpT support team.

Sign up for FREE Catch My Products Sampler Pack

Free gifted and talented materials in reading, math, SS, logic, higher level thinking

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


It's almost Fourth of July weekend, which means you can enjoy an amazing sale on Teachers Pay Teachers from the TpT Focused Success sellers' group. Members include some of the best sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers, and these products are being offered for $1.oo each!

Independence day sale, 4th of July

Just search the hashtag #TpTFireworks
and you'll find great products for only $1 each.

And it gets better! My entire store is currently on sale for 20% OFF!

Here are my dollar deals:

teacher resource on sale

Please stop by Catch My Products.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Einstein's Theory & Teachers on Vacation

If you really want to understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity, all you have to do is teach. Any teacher knows that time is relative to where you're at when you're spending it.

meme of Einstein
Let's take a survey to see. Teachers, answer these questions:

1.  What is the longest month of the year?

2.  What are the shortest months?

Survey complete.

If you are a teacher, I bet you said, the last month before summer break.  For teachers here in Memphis, it's typically May. May seems to last about 200 days. By contrast, the shortest months are those of the summer, which are about four days long, total. That is the theory of relativity!

If you don't teach, you probably listed one of those 31 day months for the longest and February for the shortest. Why? Because you're not in the classroom day in and day out wearing yourself down as you work to be the best you can be.

owls of teachers

Since your vacation is so incredibly short, you can lengthen it by sitting around doing nothing. That might slow down the speed of the summer months. As for me, I'd like to get moving. Fun in the sun, a vacation, or even out to lunch with a friend may speed up your summer, but it's a lot more fun that sitting around. So, make your list of those things you need or want to do, but never have enough time during the school year to get these things done. Then get around to it!

In case you don't have one, you can print and cut the object below!
It's a round tuit.

round tuit

If you're not out having fun but rather working on getting ready for a new school year, you are probably not alone. We are a hard working group!

On TpT, tomorrow is the last day for #thriftythursday  Several teachers have products reduced to one dollar every Thursday in June. I've posted my Sultana story.

Friday is the day to post our forever freebies, so please search out #freebiefriday to find my Short Writing Response. Thanks for stopping by.

Teachers also know that #TpT rocks!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Here's What's New

I just got back from a great retreat in Denver where I learned all sorts of things about how to bring the best products to you! I also had a lot of fun and made many friends at the enormous and beautiful house that we stayed at.

beautiful mountain view
View from the Beautiful House

Mountains of Denver
HoJo, my friend who taught me how use Pinterest better

Teacher sellers having fun
Dovie, my partner in crime and me

Denver Fun and Focused Retreat
Spooner, the love horse, who let me ride him

Now that I'm back, I've been extremely focused and finally took my lunch break.

teacher made resources

Look what I've accomplished!

teachers, TpT

This story is part of a Reading Passages for Social Studies Bundle!
I always make new resources 50% off for a couple of days, 
so if you hurry, you can get it before it returns to the normal 
cost of 30% off the price of individual resources.

Historical fiction fun

Please stop by my store!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Dust Bowl of Oklahoma, 1935 & More

I had so much fun researching the Dust Bowl that pounded America in the 1930s and writing a story all about it! In fact, I took this story further with multiple discussion questions and even math word problems. Please check out my work. This packet is currently 1/2 off because that is what I do with my new products.

Follow Stanley as he heads home from school in the middle of a dust storm.

story about American Depression Era

Enjoy Junior's Farm by Paul McCartney

I've been busy writing and have other fairly new stories, that I plan to place in my third story bundle. I just need to finish my FREE Abraham Lincoln story! 

You might like:

My story and questions on 911.

Story about tragedy of 911

This historical fiction story takes the reader through the day in the life 
of Jessica, whose father worked at the top of the Twin Towers on 911.

This horrible day certainly put our country Under Pressure, as did a lot of the events from my historical short stories.

Have a listen to Under Pressure from Queen.

On a lighter note, I wrote a Random Acts of Kindness story 
based upon my daughters' experience selling Girl Scout cookies.

story about random act of kindness

Enjoy this woman dancing to Kill Em With Kindness by Selena Gomez.

I know I'm a little late for the Monday Dance Party, but music always enhances a post, so I've added songs!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

End of Year Madness

As the school year draws to a close, the kids get wilder, and the teachers want to collapse. If that's not enough, the admin takes away your books. What is a teacher to do?

Catch My Products offers multiple fun products to get you through 
to the end of the year.

If it's brainteasers you want, click here. I have pages and pages of logic puzzles.

Here's a good one that's sure to keep the kids out of your hair . . .

activities packet

. . . because I know you're tired. 

blog post on things to do

links to logic puzzles

So grab hold of the circus and keep them in line. You can do it!

bundle of Harry Potter logic puzzles

And have a great end of the year!

what to do at the end of school year.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Dollar Deals on TpT

Hop over to the Teachers Pay Teachers website and find some great products for only one dollar from now until Sunday!

I'm offering two seasonal products at reduced savings . . . only $1!



spring activities

See ya there!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Birthday Wishes

        Happy birthday to Daniel, 
                  my favorite son.

Today, my son turns 31, and I'm afraid I'm becoming a lame blogger. Gone are the days when I posted the embarrassing Favorite Son post looking for a wife for my son. He now has one!

Isn't she beautiful? What's even better is the beauty on the inside! So now, I guess I need to annoy them on his birthday about making beautiful babies.

Now that they've bought a house, they need to fill it up with little boys 


beautiful baby girls.

After all, don't they need the cheerful laughter of a baby in their house? 
Nothing is cuter than baby giggles!

So happy birthday, Daniel!
Go make me some beautiful grandchildren, already.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

April Fools Day Logic Fun

Do you love April Fools Day?

March is really buzzing by fast and before we know it, it will be April Fools Day. I love the fun spirited pranks that go along with the day. Kids always think they are so clever pulling the same old pranks we did when young. They really haven't changed all that much. It's the parents who have changed, but that's another blog post.

Toy story hat for April Fools Day Fun
Anyway, April Fools Day means trickery. My favorite school prank involved a principal coming to a teachers class to pull him out in the hall and whisper the "bad news." Ha! Ha! Apparently, the state had lost the kids achievement test scores, and the kids were going to have to take the tests all over, again. There never were so many pale faced kids in one room since the blizzard of 1888. There really was a blizzard, then. You can look it up.

Next, came everyone's favorite phrase:
APRIL FOOLS! Gotta love it!

Here are two resources to add to your April Fools Day fun.

If you want some April Fools Day fun with your class, check out my logic puzzles. Each one sells for $1.12. Why the .12¢? Why not?

This first one is fun because the teachers play the jokes on the kids. Isn't that how it's supposed to be? There is definitely something karma-like about teaching. I must have destroyed a village in a past life and now these kids are getting back at me!

cover of product that is good for April Fools Day and Christmas
Check this out! Santa and The April Fools Day Prankster is a great seasonal product because it can be used twice a year. Don't think those naughty pranksters are going to fool ole Santa! And if you don't have time to get it done, pull it out for Christmas.

These puzzles are great for 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students in the gifted and talented class or a regular classroom.
I hope you'll stop by Catch My Products to find fun resources for your kids.

Logo of smiling dog

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Music in Our Schools

This week's theme is music in our schools or educational music. With that in mind, I want to post one of my favorite educational songs. It's great for high school kids and has a fun beat!

I also want to tell you about a new product that I recently posted on TpT. 

I love to write, and more importantly, I love to share my writing. This story was especially fun to write because of its strong "ick factor." I shared it with my class, and most of them loved hearing the details of yellow fever (those that didn't were grossed out). It was quite a disease when it wiped out one-third of the Memphis population by claiming 200 people a day. That's pretty awful considering another third of the population skipped out of town. Memphis lost so many people that she was no longer considered a city but rather a taxing district to Nashville. Do you want to read all about it? If so, I'll drop a link for you to follow my TpT store. Send me an email, and I will GIVE it to my followers. Afterall, I LOVE my followers!
**Please follow me for notifications of sales and promotions. New products will be offered at 50% OFF for 24 hours. It pays to follow Catch My Products Click Here To Follow Me**
Here is a students' presentation on the black death and yellow fever. Kids get so creative  in projects these days.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Here we go, again!

Enter for a chance to win one of two gift cards to TpT that you can spend on our upcoming sale. Woo hoo! Plus, Catch My Products will be 20% off.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019